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Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:12 am

So, having just played a game where my entire strategy for the last couple days was figuring out how to get a majority on one predetermined person each day, I can understand Alex's reasoning for not immediately hopping up and down with a giant neon sign pointing at Rox.

If she had pressed the issue the first day, she would have risked the May bandwagon losing too many members to constitute majority, but the Rox bandwagon also failing to reach majority. By throwing the information out there and allowing people to focus on May at first, she guaranteed that one baddie would die that day while leaving a way open for her to later take care of Rox.

And why not pursue Rox the second day? Well, people would be much more likely to unquestioningly follow a direct dreamer hit than they would be to follow a secondary, fairly odd dreamer 'hit' - I think that should be pretty obvious to just about anyone. Also, if majority on Rox failed, people would be far less likely to stampede over to a bandwagon on a third 'confirmed' baddie.

If Alex is telling the truth - and I personally think she is - I'd say she played her cards as well as could be expected, given the circumstances.

Edit: Really sorry Alex, I thought you were someone else. Someone male, specifically. I'll get your gender right in the future x_x
Last edited by weee5067 on Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:15 am

...Gosh I hate when people edit posts later on. Especially on sites where it doesn't log that a post has been edited. Anyway, when Rox questioned whether it said he attacked or targeted her, I clearly remember there being a statement that they didn't actually know, and people just assume that it's an attack and not another action when the person has been attacked during the night. Obviously that's paraphased because I can't find the original and I assume it was edited.

In any case, I'm not so sure on the case against Rox. Partially because I think the dreamer role being claimed is a bit overpowered, but I guess I'll wait until night and see what happens before I decide what to do with my vote. :)

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:34 am

Apparently, this forum does log when people edit posts. It even logs how many times a post has been edited, which seems pretty nifty. So, if there weren't any edit notices at the bottom of relevant-sounding posts, I think it's safe to assume that no edits were made to change, add, or remove important information.

Unless the edit notice only comes up for the author of the post, in which case, ignore me.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:48 am

Ugh. Too tired to bother with color tags and plot. This game is too big for one person to do. I hope Ryguy gets his internet back soon... I'm drowning.

Should have happened at Execution, but didn't:

Bruces Galore was attacked by a dark tornado, but was protected.

Night 4 Summary:

Ammer was attacked by a huge sword and died, but was immediately resurrected.
A song was heard, invoking thoughts of the desert. People were teleported.
Twizzler0171 was blinded and deafened. She may not vote or use rolepowers for Day/Night 5.
Ethics was attacked by a blast of darkness, but a gust of wind pushed her out of the way.
Rachel's grave was disturbed.
DM was on fire! was attacked by a beast, and died. She was the Kokiri Citizen.
Execution is DOUBLED today. Everyone gets two votes, and the two people with the most votes will be executed.
Miyu was cursed.
Twilight fell over the land...

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:13 am

It doesn't always say when a post has been edited.

I don't think it was ever clarified what Rox did or didn't do to May.
Just that he targeted her, and it was assumed it was an attack; since she was attacked that night.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:24 am

Typhoon wrote:Ammer was attacked by a huge sword and died, but was immediately resurrected.

Auto-rez...and I don't think it's a particularly innocent power, then again, things in this game aren't like other games *shrug*

That's exactly what I meant Miyu, you phrased it well, I didn't know whether it had been presumed that Rox had attacked May just because she was attacked when he targetted her.

Vote: Rox

I'm convinced he is evil now.

EDIT: as a point of interest though, Ammer and Alex were disabled last night and there wasn't a flying bird attack (although that's probably Rox), or a fire arrow attack.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:34 am

One more before bed...

Event, Day 5

Miyu was attacked by a dark tornado. She survived.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:00 am

Oh, I've never seen the edit thing turn up on my posts (I usually just fix typos and stuff when I notice them), but in any case, I still can't see where that post I'm talking about was written.

But, I guess if people are so sure about it:
Vote: Rox

Someone's vouched to me that they trust Alex's role, so:
Vote: Ammer
because I reckon the lack of a swoop attack is a pretty decent reason to vote someone, and we do have two votes today and all that.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:00 am

Vote: Rox

I'm guessing the fire arrow and the ice arrow were the same person, or at least the same team. The fact that no arrows were fired today does seem fishy, I agree. I assume the dreamer will be checking out Ammer and Alex in due time...Ammer first, perhaps, in case the auto-rez was actually a rez-convert? Or in case he was just evil to begin with :P

Also, it looks like the theory posted a while back about the curse striking after the victim's first post for the day was right. It also looks like it can be protected against, though, so hopefully protectors will be able to take advantage of the delay.

Without further leads, I think I'll hold my second vote until later in the day, and then look at whatever information may have come to light in the meantime.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:19 am

Vote: Rox

The dreamer seems to be right so far and I've been busy with my own WW game, so reading every single line of this one has been a bit tough. I'm still going to stick with the Rox vote, despite some of the chatter about the subject.

I'm not sure about Ammer's role, but I've traded with Alex. There's two reasons why we shouldn't execute her, but I'll let her explain it all herself. They're good reasons for the innocents, don't worry.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:21 am

I think I know why Ammer auto-rezzed.

I don't believe it has anything to do with alignment, but someone with dreaming powers should look into it.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:47 am

People who get cursed, STOP POSTING. It seems clear that when you post, the dark tornado comes after you.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:57 am

It was too late by the time I realized what I'd done.
Plus, not as if you get attacked for every post you make.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:39 am


I didn't want to do this, but you leave me with no choice.
I'm the Kinstone piece guy.
I have three green Kinstones, which I'm guessing wwill give me basic, oneuse powers. two blue Kinstones, which might add stuff to the map, and a red Kinstone, that could possibly trigger an event.

Every night, I choose a Kinstone to try and Kinfuse with someone alse. I tried May Night 1 with a blue one, and pips Night 2with the red one. But my list was skipped to the second person on it, whose name is not important.


ETA: @Moongewl in groupies. I DID NOT ATTACK MAY. I simply targeted her. And since May was attacked, people jump to the conclusion I did it. It's annoyting, actually.
Last edited by Rox on Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:44 am

This thread... it's confusing. o_O

I'm going to say Vote: No exec for now.
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