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Re: Minority Rules [question #1 posted]

Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:07 pm

I've sent my Answer. I hope I can survive onto to the next round.

Re: Minority Rules [question #1 posted]

Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:02 pm

Wow, still 6 hours and I've got almost all answers already :D I'm so proud of you guys! (and gals, of course)

Ammer, I'm looking at you! You're the only person whose questions I'm still missing, hurry up or I'll file for divorce :x

Re: Minority Rules [signups open, send me those PMs!]

Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:50 pm

Answers to #1

"Has everyone made up their mind?" asked Wind as the last player placed her answer into the urn. Let's see the result. Did you answer honestly, or did you lie trying to end in the minority? And if you did... has it worked?
After a quick tally, the results were as follows:

Girl (5) - Siniri, loser, Regan, Rachel, Pink
Boy (9) - John, amarise, Ammer, May, Urthdigger, Katherine, StuMan, pipsqueek, Dyl
No answer (1) - Twiz

"It seems that the vast majority of you thinks they're boys. I can see that there will be some problems during bathroom breaks. Everyone who answered "boy" will lose a life. Now let's move on to today's question."

Question #2

This time the players were all prepared, and when Wind called out pipsqueek's name she quickly stepped on the stage. Wind handed her the microphone.

"What's the difference between a duck?" pipsqueek asked. Everyone else stared.

"It doesn't work this way," Wind explained, wondering if pip too had finally lost it. "You've got to ask a question to which there are only two possible answers."

"There are only two possible answers!" pipsqueek insisted. "1) Huh? and 2) anything else."

Since pipsqueek didn't seem to want to change her question, Wind shrugged and got the microphone back.

"The second question is... er... What's the difference between a duck?" she repeated. "The answer can be Huh or anything else. Please send me your answer by tomorrow, 7pm GMT. Good luck!"

Re: Minority Rules [question #2 posted]

Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:23 pm

Whooops! Sorry for forgetting, Wind. D: I guess most WW games have spoiled me, what with their later ending times and all. :(

Re: Minority Rules [question #2 posted]

Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:00 pm

Whawhawha. You weren't supposed to tell people the answers :( It's not as fun this way.

Re: Minority Rules [question #2 posted]

Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:25 pm

pipsqueeek wrote:Whawhawha. You weren't supposed to tell people the answers :( It's not as fun this way.

I know, but in the end I decided not to mess with people... too much :P

Re: Minority Rules [question #2 posted]

Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:39 pm

There was definately some perverted humour :P

Re: Minority Rules [question #2 posted]

Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:06 pm

Yes there was. I only have 2 lives left sigh.

I have sent my answer.

Re: Minority Rules [question #2 posted]

Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:08 pm

I'm still missing three PMs. Including Twiz's :(

Re: Minority Rules [question #2 posted]

Sun Nov 23, 2008 6:58 pm

Sorry if my PM was not on time :( We ended up going out last night after all for an insane amount of time :P

Re: Minority Rules [signups open, send me those PMs!]

Sun Nov 23, 2008 7:13 pm

Answers to #2

"What's the difference between a duck?" asked Wind by way of a greeting to the assembled players. "I hope this question didn't keep you awake at night. Now let's see your answers..."

Huh? (9) - Siniri, Twiz, loser, John, amarise, Urthdigger, StuMan, Regan, Rachel
Anything else (5) - Ammer, May, Katherine, pipsqueek, Dyl
No answer (1) - Pink

"Looks like pip's question had the vast majority of you confused. By the way, pipsqueek exact answer was "Octopus" and Dyl's answer was "<3 pip". Is this a love confession? Are you trying to turn my mind-screwing little game into a sappy soap opera?" asked Wind, pointing an accusing finger towards the would-be couple. "Maybe pip should clear her gender issues first. But let's move on."

Question #3

The players shuffled their feet nervously. Some of them had just one life left now. Wind extracted another piece of paper from the urn. "Siniri, it's your turn to ask a question," called Wind.
As Siniri stepped on the stage, Wind crumpled the piece of paper in her fist and threw it to Siniri by way of a greeting. "No ducks, remember."

"Which animal is white on black, penguin or panda?" Siniri asked.

"You stole this one from me" Wind complained. "It doesn't matter, anyway, as long as ducks aren't involved. So the next question is the age-old interrogative. Penguins or pandas? Please send me your answer by tomorrow, 7pm GMT. Good luck!"

Re: Minority Rules [question #3 posted]

Sun Nov 23, 2008 7:24 pm

I am so dead :P

Re: Minority Rules [signups open, send me those PMs!]

Sun Nov 23, 2008 7:28 pm

Wind wrote:"Which animal is white on black, penguin or panda?" Siniri asked.

"You stole this one from me" Wind complained. "It doesn't matter, anyway, as long as ducks aren't involved. So the next question is the age-old interrogative. Penguins or pandas? Please send me your answer by tomorrow, 7pm GMT. Good luck!"

Hey, I didn't steal it; I gave you full credit!

I thought there'd be more trying to psych other people out on-thread. So here's something to ponder. I learned in biochemistry that a polar bear's fur is technically not white. It's colorless, and only seems white because of the way it refracts light. If you shone the light properly, it would actually be rainbow-colored. So what does this have to do with the price of tea in China? Or pandas or penguins? You decide. Just choose the opposite answer from me, please.

Re: Minority Rules [question #3 posted]

Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:10 pm

If we all answered the same thing, do we all lose a life?

Re: Minority Rules [question #3 posted]

Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:13 pm

loser wrote:If we all answered the same thing, do we all lose a life?

But of course yes :evil:
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