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Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)

Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:09 am

Ugh... Dead, again. Now I won't have to rush in to submit my night lists now!

Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)

Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:45 pm

Ange wrote:*parties with Miyu so she isn't lonely*

It is really hard for me to actually follow the thread...I think it jumped 10 pages since I checked it last (!), so I don't have much insight.

But, in the books...
Didn't Voldemort have Nagini, or am I remembering incorrectly?

*joins party*

i found it like that too. I go to bed, wake up and find another 10 pages

no you are right voldemort had Nagini. I laghed when Neville chopped the head of

Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)

Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:08 am

Oh hai! I'm dead now...oh well. This is the longest of the three games I've been in that I've lasted. Go my side!

Oh...and I told you guys I wasn't the poisoner.

Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)

Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:26 am

I can only seriously laugh at how much fun I've had in this game :P

Truly, I rolled off of my bed when I saw Peeves had been killed :lol:
I would have got away with it all if I had AK'd Hansy, which I tried a few times......."-_-
And then just say that I was the heir and got his role ^_^

I can only still laugh at the thread now because I know a few things about certain people :P

Wait, can someone clue me in on what the Inquisitorial Squad is? o_O
I still have yet to read the last book so I guess that's why I have no idea about them

Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)

Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:14 am

The Inquisitorial Squad is in the 5th? book. They are formed by that dragon lady whom takes over Hogwarts and puts up all of the ridiculous rules and such.

*eyeroll @ Ammer*

Have you looked at the player list lately? Even the voting updates can clue you in on atleast a figure at the numbers. But I dare say that if you think the baddies outnumber the innocents greatly, then you must not've been paying attention to the game. Either that or you are evvvvul.

Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)

Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:51 am

fzun wrote:The death eaters team had 4 people on it originally so I assume that the I-Squad will also have 4 people, it only seems fair.

What about ww is ever fair? :P

Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)

Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:23 pm

3lla wrote:bwhahhaha!
I can only seriously laugh at how much fun I've had in this game :P

Truly, I rolled off of my bed when I saw Peeves had been killed :lol:
I would have got away with it all if I had AK'd Hansy, which I tried a few times......."-_-
And then just say that I was the heir and got his role ^_^

I can only still laugh at the thread now because I know a few things about certain people :P

Wait, can someone clue me in on what the Inquisitorial Squad is? o_O
I still have yet to read the last book so I guess that's why I have no idea about them

Oh, that's so nice of you. :( Why me? ;_;

A huge prayer to Pickles and Averly, for hosting such an awesome game; another one to, for giving me my favourite role; and another one to me, for screwing the baddie's plans so many times :D

Ahem. And Ammer is obviously talking about the Snape cult team that has converted loads of people already and is about to win the game. 8)

*waves a "Go Innocents! flag"*

*wonders if the rezzer still has another rez to bring Tanner back the next time he dies*

Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)

Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:21 pm

*as bellatrix* nooo you monsters you killed my master i shall somehow live again and kill you all

Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)

Wed Jun 25, 2008 7:54 pm

Yes well, I chalked it up to the long list of flawed logic used during this game, Ammer.

I ditto that Rachel.


You're one to talk, if you go by that theory then there should be a Double Agent for the IS as well - if things were kept even-stevens. But it is werewolf, where you shouldn't expect things to be made out into neat lines. :P

Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)

Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:39 am

What do people think of a transformers themed werewolf? :D

Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)

Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:59 am

Christopher wrote:What do people think of a transformers themed werewolf? :D


Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)

Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:14 am

If it was a baddie:
Daykilling me wasn't the best move, there's barely anything I can do. Definitely should have targeted someone more important.

If it was an innocent:

And I held off using daykills because I figured executions would work just as well.

Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)

Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:09 am

Christopher wrote:What do people think of a transformers themed werewolf? :D

Ultimate win <3

Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)

Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:08 pm

I love how despite having what gender everyone is listed in the first post everyone KEEPS getting the he and she wrong.

Moongewl is a girl everyone! (a lovely one at that)

Re: WW 32: HP - The Other Side of the Veil (dead thread)

Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:32 pm

Edit: Ignore me. 0:) Poor Dyl.
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