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Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:15 am

Pickles wrote:Do I not count in my location cause I haven't voted?

Vote: Chipper - person above me.

ETA: In case it was too buried:
Move: The Ballroom

Oh whoops, I just missed it. :)

Also added lame prologue. ;_;

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sat Aug 16, 2008 6:13 am

Move: Library

Because I can.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:21 am

Vote: DM, Pixa for no reason.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:15 pm

Vote: Pixa/Tom
Vote: Rox

Move: Great Hall

Their love is forbidden :(

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sat Aug 16, 2008 2:40 pm

Vote: Twizzler
Vote: Byakuya San
(not a revenge vote, not a revenge vote at all)

Move: Gallery

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:43 pm

Just read the opening scene! XD Liked it a lot, WIS. But can someone tell me what “TISNF.” means? D:

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:58 pm

Twizzler0171 wrote:Just read the opening scene! XD Liked it a lot, WIS. But can someone tell me what “TISNF.” means? D:

TISNF means That is So Not Fair. :)

Lulz, I used UrbanDictionary.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:04 pm

Skynetmain wrote:I'm here. I'm only behind in everything. I guess to catch up I will Move: The Library

So many pretty names, DM. Who should I vote for, DM? I guess I'll pick at random, DM.

Vote: Pink
Vote: Miyu

Random draw said to vote this way, DM. I guess I should stop talking like this, DM.


IDK, my BFF Jill?
ilu, siw-siw.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:18 pm

Move to: the Gallery

I appreciate the SWANKY fine arts.

Vote: Pink
Vote: DM

Because I can... and it's free. 0:)

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:28 pm

Vote: DM

Half-Random Half-Castle vote.

Sorry DM.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:02 pm

Vote Tally

Alex - 5, Pink, Ryguy, Rachel, Bruces galore, CWisgood
DM was on fire! - 5, Rox, Typhoon, Christopher, Pixa, Ressficent
Bruces galore - 4, 3lla, Twinkle, Ressficent, Laryxler
No Execution - 4, graphitesmoothie, Moongewl, Keith, Anvil
Pink - 4, Helena, Miyu, Skynetmain, Pixa
Pixa - 3, May, Christopher, Raz
Skynetmain - 2, DM was on fire!, Rox
Typhoon - 2, Helena, DM was on fire!
Miyu - 2, Alex, Skynetmain
Helena - 2, Miyu, Typhoon
Rachel - 2, Twinkle, Chipper
Rox - 2, Alex, Raz
Twizzler0171 - 2, Rachel, Regan
Dyl - 1, Ryguy
Regan - 1, Byakuya San
Raz - 1, Byakuya San
CWisgood - 1, Twizzler0171
Ryguy - 1, Twizzler0171
Twinkle - 1, Rachel
Moongewl - 1, Bruces galore
Ammer - 1, Laryxler
Anvil - 1, CWisgood
Chipper - 1, Pickles
Byakuya San - 1, Regan

33 alive, 17 for majority, 25 for lock.

People who have not moved are moved into random locations.

Ballroom: Pink, Twinkle, Alex, Twizzler0171, Rachel, Anvil, Pickles, CWisgood,
Great Hall: Moongewl, Ressficent, Keith, Ammer, Chipper, kcharles, Missy!, Raz,
Library: DM was on fire!, May, 3lla, Bruces galore, Dyl, Ryguy, Byakuya San, Skynetmain, Miyu
Gallery: Helena, Rox, Laryxler, Typhoon, Regan, Christopher, graphitesmoothie, Pixa

Execution coming up soon...

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sat Aug 16, 2008 9:42 pm

Day 1 Execution

Everybody was settling in somewhat nicely into one of the 4 large rooms within the castle. The smaller rooms and accommodations were blocked off for the general public's safety. It's better to stick together, WIS thought.

"Wait, why is it better to stick together? Why do we need safety?" Helena suddenly questioned.

"Wait, what? What are you talking about." WIS nervously replied, "There's no need to be safe. Here's a pair of scissors, run around with it!"

"You just typed 'The smaller rooms and accommodations were blocked off for the general public's safety' like ten seconds ago."

"Uhh... who wants to execute somebody?" WIS called out loudly, trying to get out of the situation at hand.

"Wait, I thought we were participating in a monthly art competition!" Chipper chirped. "Why would you execute somebody at a monthly art competition?"

"You're right Chipper!" May replied, enthusiastically, "This isn't a monthly art competition! But for a real monthly art competition you should visit the Ye Olde PPT Gallery forum and vote!" She then looked at the camera and winked. The camera promptly disappeared because it does not really exist.

"Well who are we going to execute?" CWisgood asked WIS.

"IDK, my BFF Jill?"

"Uhh..." CWisgood decided to pick his wording more carefully next time, "well since we don't have an agreement, at all. Why don't we just skip it today."

"TISNFun." WIS complained.

Night Begins

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:28 pm

Night 1

Missing quite a few lists, may I add. :(

In the Ballroom:
Anvil and CWisgood started dancing, while all the girls awkwardly watched and refused to join in. Anvil and CWisgood tried to drag the girls to dance, but they wouldn't budge. In fact, it seems that Pickles went so far to avoid dancing as to have her head cut open and brains eaten.

In the Great Hall:
Raz plainly stated, "I think I've been poisoned", before foaming at his mouth. Everyone in the room stayed a good distance away from him, until Raz pulled some crabs out of his mouth and started laughing.

"Where'd you get those crabs?" Moongewl asked.

"Why, I've got a big bag of crabs here.." Raz paused for a second, "But really I was poisoned. I just lived through it. Thank goodness for my resistance."

In the Library:
Skynetmain started foaming in his mouth. Seriously. He did not have access to a big bag of crabs, but thankfully, he lived through it.

In the Gallery:
Helena was studying a sculpture when a nearby marble column started wobbling. Instinctively, Helena tried to hold the 1-ton pillar in place but it fell on her. Luckily she almost escaped and only her leg was crushed. Her resistance must have been decreased after that event. With the help of everyone else in the room, they lifted the pillar up just enough for Helena to pull her broken foot out.

"Are you okay?" Typhoon inquired. "Here, have a Snapple."

"Oh I love Snapple!" Helena replied cheerfully.

"Snapple is a part of my every-day routine." Christopher laughed heartily, flicked his hair, and looked at the camera. "I can't imagine a day without Snapple!" He gave a smile, which twinkled. Then Twinkle wondered why she was on Christopher's teeth, and not in the ballroom.

Somebody also handed out nougat in the gallery, but nobody cared because Typhoon had Snapple, even though the nougat increased their resistance.


Pickles died, but her role is unknown. Some lame person took all her stuff.

Day 2 Begins

32 alive, 17 for majority, and 24 for lock.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:38 pm

WIS wrote:Then Twinkle wondered why she was on Christopher's teeth, and not in the ballroom.

You win. At life.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:41 pm

Don't question my teeth *flicks hair*
Topic locked