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Re: Minority Rules [question #4 posted]

Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:36 am

So I am answering with Facebook, so beware :evil: . I'd rather take people out than win, because I'm a jerk!

Re: Minority Rules [signups open, send me those PMs!]

Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:46 am

Wind wrote:"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck..." Dyl started, then she caught the look on Wind's face and changed his question.

I thought I was the one with gender issues :P

Re: Minority Rules [question #4 posted]

Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:51 pm

Perhaps Dyl answered with female. :P

And the answer is... It would chuck as much as a wood chuck could if a wood chuck could chuck wood!

Re: Minority Rules [question #4 posted]

Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:11 pm

*smothers pip with a pillow and hides the body*

There's still 2 hours to the deadline and 15 new PMs are in my inbox! You guys make me soooo proud!
Edit: pipsqueek sent me two PMs so actually I'm still missing someone's answers. Aww :(

Re: Minority Rules [signups open, send me those PMs!]

Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:25 pm

Answers to #4

"Doon doon doon dooooooooooooon!" exclaimed Wind. "Sorry, I couldn't have any decent sound effects so I had to improvise. I just wanted to do something impressive for our first elimination. The results for today's question are in and it looks like we'll have to say goodbye to some of you."

She glanced at her notes briefly. "Can you handle the suspense for another couple of minutes while I try to understand my own handwriting?"

Facebook (8) - Siniri, loser, John, Ammer, May, Urthdigger, Regan, Pink
Livejournal (6) - Twiz, amarise, Katherine, StuMan, pipsqueek, Dyl
No answer (1) - Rachel

"Looks like Facebook is the winner. Or the loser, depending on your point of view," Wind said. "John and Urthdigger, I'm sorry, you're eliminated."
Wind walked off the stage to shake hands with John and Urthdigger before they left. "Stick around, we might need you for a tiebreaker round or something. Also I have cookies."

Question #5

"So, just 13 of you left," Wind commented. "You've got to be careful with your answers from now on, since most of you are on your last lives. Apart from Dyl and pip who both have 2 lives left. Somehow. Anyway. Your turn, loser!"

And since it was late already and there was no time to waste, Wind tossed the microphone to loser. She caught it in mid-air and grinned, then she cleared her throat theatrically and said: "Thank you for flying Church of England, Cake or Death?"

She then proceeded to talk at lenght about Eddie Izzard until Wind jumped off the stage and wrestled the microphone from her.

"Ladies and gentlemen (and more gentlemen than ladies, if I recall correctly), we have another stupid... er... meaningful question for you to ponder? Cake or Death? Please send me your question in the next 24 hours. Good luck!"

Re: Minority Rules [question #5 posted]

Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:30 pm

But Marie Antoinette got cake and death. Then again, I guess she isn't playing.

Re: Minority Rules [question #5 posted]

Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:34 pm

Dyl wrote:But Marie Antoinette got cake and death. Then again, I guess she isn't playing.

That wasn't cake, that was brioches. At least from what I was taught. Anyway you don't want to take your inspiration from a French, would you?

Re: Minority Rules [question #5 posted]

Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:03 pm

sorry for forgetting my answer yesterday! I read the thread at work and then meant to send my pm when i got home... and completely forgot!

Re: Minority Rules [signups open, send me those PMs!]

Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:55 pm

Wind wrote:Apart from Dyl and pip who both have 2 lives left. Somehow.

We're just that awesome. And really weird. And shun normalcy. And thus have lots of practice at not being in the majority :)

I choose fudge, by the way.
No, actually I choose death. Mmmm, death.

Re: Minority Rules [question #5 posted]

Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:41 am

Cake or Death?

Oh my I am going to die on my own question... how embarssing!

Re: Minority Rules [question #5 posted]

Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:09 am

Huh... that's the question I sent in my PM... maybe you can use the one I posted on here if I get called up to do a question?

Re: Minority Rules [question #5 posted]

Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:09 am

We both sent it in.

Re: Minority Rules [question #5 posted]

Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:13 am

I've sent my answer

Re: Minority Rules [question #5 posted]

Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:37 am

loser wrote:We both sent it in.

I know, what I meant was that since my question is the same as yours, if I needed to come up with a new one, if they could use the one I posted on the thread about trains, or what.

Re: Minority Rules [question #5 posted]

Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:04 pm

Urthdigger wrote:
loser wrote:We both sent it in.

I know, what I meant was that since my question is the same as yours, if I needed to come up with a new one, if they could use the one I posted on the thread about trains, or what.

Whops, I forgot that you sent just 1. But it's ok, I can pick someone else to ask questions if your name comes up.
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