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Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:53 am

Vote: Apex

Though, I'm kinda wondering if this is the right vote to make?

Unvote: Apex
Vote: Twizzler

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:48 am

Day 15 Items of Interest:

Apex was daykilled by... CUCCOS! She was Agahnim, last of the Dark Lords team.
The Dark Lords have been defeated.
Malibu was role revealed (below).
Role: King Zora
Alignment: Innocent
Winning Condition: All Evil Players Banished
You are King Zora, the leader of Zora's Domain. You are the highest authority in all of the land and all of Hyrule respects your decisions. You are a very righteous and fair man, and strive to make sure that all of Hyrule abides by your law. During this time of war, hopefully your word will help the innocents come out on top.
1) Voice of the People- Should there not be a majority at execution, your vote will be the one that decides who gets executed. The player who you voted for will be the one executed. If you do not vote that day, execution will be randomized.
2) Time for Change- Each day, you may choose a new style of execution. The default style is by Majority vote. If you switch the style of execution, you must use all of the following styles at least once before you may use a following style a second time. The styles are:
Plurality- The player with the most votes will be executed, regardless of if a majority has been reached
Minority- Everyone gets 2 votes. The player with the least amount of votes will be executed
Representative- The player who has the most votes will be the one whose vote will decide the execution.
Double- Everyone gets 2 votes. The two players with the most votes will be executed.
Overwhelming- A 75% majority must be reached. The execution will do twice as much damage.
Lynch- Groupies will vote today.
Executioner's Choice- Nobody votes. You must PM me your vote and that player will be executed.
Health: <3<3<3<3

Death Mountain had an aftershock, so things were too unstable for an execution.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:56 am

Waste of a role reveal?

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Thu Oct 09, 2008 6:56 am

Night 15

8 am call time means no plots now.


Averly was blinded and deafened. She may not vote or use rolepowers for Day/Night 16.
Averly was shot with a fire arrow. She survived.
Averly was locked up in the Temple of Light. She may not post, vote, or use rolepowers for Day/Night 16, nor may she be voted for or targeted.
Execution method has been changed to Executioner's Choice. There will be no voting today.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:44 pm

Typhoon wrote:Apex was daykilled by... CUCCOS!
:roflol: What a way to go! :P

malibu, I think the person who did the role reveal just wanted to use the power for kicks....or something. <shrugs>

I guess if we can't target averly today, that means Twiz will be the one to go today? <twiddles>

Alex, is there any point in us having any more "meetings"? Or can we just toddle about and play today?

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:36 pm

I have tea, crumpets, and a bouncy ball. Lets just have a picnic today.

Pass Ball to: Pickles

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:38 pm

ooh, a picnic! I do hope you'll let me join voluntarily! I'd rather not steal your rolls... :P

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:39 pm

As long as you bring food, you are welcome.

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:42 pm

Why not? We've all got nothing better to do!

I'll take some tea!!

Pass Ball to: Twiz
No reason we can't all have fun! did make sure that your cuccos won't attack anyone again, right, loser? It'd be such a shame to spoil a picnic!

Edit: Twiz. HORRIBLE pun. :P

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:44 pm

As long as you don't hurt their feelings..

And if you collect them all in under a minute, I'll give you a piece of heart!

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:53 pm

Yeah... Cuccos tend to attack you when you attack them. =/ AND THEY COME OUT OF NOWHERE. *remembers Oracle of Seasons/Ages*

And why not invite the deadies, too? A few ghosts should liven up the party a bit*!
Pass Ball to: May/October

*Apologies for the horrible puns! Twizzler is tired and can't resist the urge to post them. T_T

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:49 pm

Hm. Seems like the deadies are keeping our bouncy ball.
<whips out light arrows and fastens a target to a tree>
Anyone up for some target practice? These don't work anymore for killing anymore, but maybe we could see who gets closest to the bulls eye?

I don't have any fire or ice arrows on hand to play around with, but maybe Link will share 'em later. :P

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:12 pm

Indeed, Pickles! Target practice sounds like loads of fun. :) Why don't you go first? ^^

Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:21 pm

<Pickles takes a sip of her awesome tea, sets her tea mug down, and then turns around> the dice, to see how "well" we do. Let's role 2 6-sided dice, and whomever gets closest to 7 (since that's roughly middle) gets a bulleye.

<Pickles picks up her awesome bow and a light arrow and lets it loose at the target>


Re: WW35: Hyrule Eclipsed Game Thread

Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:28 pm

<Twizzler takes a bite of one of the food items she brought along -- a cinnamon roll -- and borrows Pickles' bow as well as one of the arrows.>

Let's see how well I do!

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