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Thu Nov 04, 2004 10:08 pm

No Im dead :cry:
Well I know what i did that got me out.I think they killed me because I talk to much. In WW4 Ill try not to talk that much. Im not sure who killed me.

Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:06 am

Wow. Guess Chris was right. However, I have to say something that has been bothering me for a while.

Chris, I am very dissapointed by the way you're playing this game. I thought you would be better than this. Now, what am I talking about? Well, how about asking others their roles constantly? This 'Power Clan' you are talking about is most likely, infested with a Werewolf. Don't try and play both sides. You are going to be killed if you keep up your attitude and to tell you the truth, if I was still in the game, I would kill you. Even you are innocent -- if you actually are and you haven't been lying to everyone. Truth be told, I am really fed up by the way you're playing and I nor does anyone else I have talked to appreciate your attitude.

Stop being 'God Almighty' by saying 'Oh PM me and your identity will be secret. Join the power clan! I know the Angel bla bla bla'.

If this post is inappropriate, delete it. I don't care anymore.

You do not deserve to play this game.

I'm out.

Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:19 am

...and I'm guess I'm dead. Too bad someone just sadi my role..ah, who cares. Feel too lazy to defend myself. Hehe.

Kidwaiy - weren't talking much. More like INACTIVE. Lol.

Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:45 am

HH: heheh.. i knew that was coming, opened my outh too many times, practically shouted out "HEY! angel here!" when i was almost executed...

GOOD LUCK GUYS! ^__^ (see u in WW4)

Ammer wrote:Wow. Guess Chris was right. However, I have to say something that has been bothering me for a while.

Chris, I am very dissapointed by the way you're playing this game. I thought you would be better than this. Now, what am I talking about? Well, how about asking others their roles constantly? This 'Power Clan' you are talking about is most likely, infested with a Werewolf. Don't try and play both sides. You are going to be killed if you keep up your attitude and to tell you the truth, if I was still in the game, I would kill you. Even you are innocent -- if you actually are and you haven't been lying to everyone. Truth be told, I am really fed up by the way you're playing and I nor does anyone else I have talked to appreciate your attitude.

Stop being 'God Almighty' by saying 'Oh PM me and your identity will be secret. Join the power clan! I know the Angel bla bla bla'.

If this post is inappropriate, delete it. I don't care anymore.

You do not deserve to play this game.

I'm out.

Ok, look, he just pmed me saying thanks for siding with him


i did so because, as luck would have it, the first person i dreamed of (it was random) happened to be YesItIsh

When i found out he was mafia i had no idea what to do..

if i accused him again without a solid reason you'd execute me for being random...

so i took a risk and trusted him with my role, he never voted yesItIsh randomly before so you were more likely to trust him vs. myself

(Plus YesItIsh was covering their tracks well ^__^)

Even if he is bad, i was using him just as much as he was me in the end...

Anyway, it was worth it to get a mafia member at least instead of being killed trying to convince you guys, ok?

I'd like to learn better stradegy (this was my first game) So if you would've done something different... let me know ^__^

Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:22 am

*slaps the Mafia*


Just for that, I'm not going to reveal who could help you guys. (...That is, if I can say :P)

Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:33 am

Whoa. You were the Angel, Dracolord? Well, I guess I kinda suspected it...

Okamoto- Ammer's right. You could have a wolf in your legions, and now that the Angel is gone, you may have the Mafia trying to enter as well. And don't forget about the Watchamacallit (Axe Murder).

Alex- Why would you want to help the Mafia if your a Wolf? Your both enemies, remember? And I don't think you can do that...

Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:48 am

Hmm...I never suspected Dracolord...I even said to NOT kill..haha. I just pick Alex randomly and the others approved. My random suspicion from WW2 was right in WW3...lols.

Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:19 am

Twizzler0171 wrote:Whoa. You were the Angel, Dracolord? Well, I guess I kinda suspected it...

Okamoto- Ammer's right. You could have a wolf in your legions, and now that the Angel is gone, you may have the Mafia trying to enter as well. And don't forget about the Watchamacallit (Axe Murder).

Alex- Why would you want to help the Mafia if your a Wolf? Your both enemies, remember? And I don't think you can do that...

He did ;) Chris was telling me quite a bit.. I did quite a convincing job of proving my 'innocence' to him.

And also, because they are characters who could potentially harm the remaining wolf ^_^ I want my team to win :P

Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:28 am

But there's not only the Wolf, remember? There's still the Moongazer. And then there's your buddies... luckily, the Wolves got the Criminal, so once we get them...

Seems I wasn't the only one Okamoto was in contact, with, then. Well... that was kinda obvious, but... yeah. He contacted me on the day I was mauled (well, obiously before that...). That's why I was trying so hard to protect him.

Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:45 am

(Actually, the 'Axe Murderers' killed off the Criminal, not us :P)

Yes, but I only know the identity of the final wolf, not the Moongazer :)

Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:54 am

Ah, your right on that... Heh. And of course you'd know the identity of the Wolf... you were one. From what I understand, you guys all know eachother.

Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:55 am

*nods* Yep, we knew the identity of the other wolves, but we're not told who the Moongazer is. I'm guessing that's the same for the other two groups, though obviously we all know who the Criminal is :P

Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:56 am

Twizzler0171 wrote:Ah, your right on that... Heh. And of course you'd know the identity of the Wolf... you were one. From what I understand, you guys all know eachother.

I suppose it would help if they knew each other... :P

Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:04 am

ScottNak wrote:
Twizzler0171 wrote:Ah, your right on that... Heh. And of course you'd know the identity of the Wolf... you were one. From what I understand, you guys all know eachother.

I suppose it would help if they knew each other... :P

Well of course, Mr. ScottNak! They wouldn't want to make the mistake of mauling eachother, would they? :roflol: Oh my gosh, that would be a funny scene!

Fri Nov 05, 2004 8:08 am


*hits head*

We lost the angel ;_; THE ANGEL HELPS USSS!

And we lost another wolfie!

*huggles Alex*
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