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Re: WW 32: Harry Potter

Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:13 am

Laryxler wrote:I don't know if this has already been said, but it could be likely that Missy had an avenging siblings type role, whereby the remaining siblings get some kind of power from the death of their sibling. So Missy's death could be a positive for the innocents.

I'll make my vote later :)

Looks like we're dealing with 3 evil groups at the moment. In a game of 34, there would be at least 5 people on each team i'd guess, with perhaps a couple of OMT's and a neutral thrown in. I think Snape would be neutral.

Why 3 groups? The poisoner could be a OMT. I'm assuming one group is the Dementors and the other is the Death Eaters, (the ones who cast the Avada spell).

Re: WW 32: Harry Potter

Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:36 am

I'm including an OMT as an evil group here. So there could even be 4 evil groups.

Re: WW 32: Harry Potter

Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:42 am

What? I'm confused. In your original post, you included the poisoner as a "group" and then mentioned OMTs separately. When I suggested that the poisoner could be a OMT and not a group, you then said that a OMT was a group and that there may be 4 evil "groups" that we're up against. But your original statement said there were 3, including OMTs.

Can anyone else see where I'm coming from here?

Re: WW 32: Harry Potter

Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:47 am

Yeah, that's my fault. I'm just making estimates on what the innocents are dealing with hear. To clarify, I think there could be 2 evil teams, the dementors then another team, and I also think there could be perhaps 1 or two evil OMT's, which would make 3 or 4 evil groups. I think there could be a couple of neutral players in the game as well.

Re: WW 32: Harry Potter

Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:57 am

Ah that clarifys it a bit for me, thanks.

Re: WW 32: Harry Potter

Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:00 pm

I doubt there'd be 3 groups with 5 people on each team. That's 15 baddies, plus an OMT or two - almost 50% of the game. Typical games have around 30-35% evil players.

ETA: My bad, just read what you meant. Yeah, that sounds to be more correct.

Re; Snape, it's possible that it could be one of those roles where you can choose whether to be Innocent or Evil.

Re: WW 32: Harry Potter

Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:04 pm

Vote: Fzun
Vote: Angisfab

Two random names from the player's list. I probably won't be able to get back on before execution :)

Re: WW 32: Harry Potter

Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:20 pm

Given we have a room system, I think that perhaps the Dementor attacks are room-independent.
(given that Umbridge was able to summon a dementor from Azkaban to Little Whinging without leaving London)

However, AK is a short-range attack, so I'm guessing you might have to be in the same room as the attacker. So Ruby, what room were you in last night? Not that we know what room anyone was in, so it won't really help, but still... I'm guessing that the AK-users are a team, and that as long as one of the team is in the same room as someone on their list, that person will be attacked. (at least I think that's how the Wiki said that type of thing would work)

I could see poison being either a room-specific attack (opportunity) or a long-range attack (dill pickles, anyone?).

I'm guessing that Rachel's disappearance was a room effect. I chose the owlery last night, so I would guess she did too, and that's why I was the one who saw the large bird snatch her.

And yes, I realize Ruby was attacked near the owlery, so she might have been in that room; just to set the record straight while I'm away at work, I did NOT attack her. I wonder if it could have been Rachel, or someone else who was in the room and remained secret. On average, there were 4-5 people in each room last night, so there were probably 1-2 others unknown in the owlery.

Still, it's the only clue I have to go on, so I'll
Vote: Rachel

(I'll check after work and change my vote if more experienced players think my logic is completely flawed, or if Ruby was not in the owlery, after all. And the note said Rachel could not vote, but it didn't say she couldn't be voted for, right?)

Re: WW 32: Harry Potter

Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:44 pm

Okay I think we need Pickles or averly to clear this up. In the last WW game I was in if someone couldn't vote or use their role powers we couldn't vote for them. Is that the case in this game? If so then no one can vote for Rachel tonight.

My guess at the moment is two groups of baddies and a poisoning one man team. I'll wait until later to vote.

Re: WW 32: Harry Potter

Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:12 pm

Bruces galore wrote:Okay I think we need Pickles or averly to clear this up. In the last WW game I was in if someone couldn't vote or use their role powers we couldn't vote for them. Is that the case in this game? If so then no one can vote for Rachel tonight.
Rachel cannot be voted for or targeted, as she is not going to be around for execution or night.

Siniri, since you're newer to the game, just an FYI - all players mentioned in night scenes that were not attacked are chosen at random, just for interaction purposes. So you and Ammer were the random guest stars of the night. ;)

Re: WW 32: Harry Potter

Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:20 pm

Alright, thanks, Pickles.
Unvote: Rachel

Drat, all my hypotheses have been flushed down Moaning Myrtle's toilet. I hope something exciting happens while I'm at work today so I'll have a hint as to how to vote...

Re: WW 32: Harry Potter

Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:25 pm

Alex wrote:Re; Snape, it's possible that it could be one of those roles where you can choose whether to be Innocent or Evil.

Draco too. The poison makes sense with Draco as well because of the whole wine thing. Snape could also be a dreamer using legilimancy, or whatever the role is that gives snippets of roles.

Re: WW 32: Harry Potter

Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:30 pm

Whoops... I think I made a post up yesterday but never got around to actually posting it...


I am present.

Re: WW 32: Harry Potter

Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:19 pm

For all of the folks newer to the game, usually there isn't a lot to go on for the first 2 or 3 days, so we usually just take shots in the dark. Once we start seeing a pattern in attacks or people start trading roles through PM, we get more to go on.

Just noticing one thing - as of the time night was posted yesterday, Pickles stated that she believed that Jas and Rox hadn't opened their roles. That clears them of being the spokesperson for any of the baddies we saw last night. It doesn't clear them of being evil, but we know for sure they're not spokespersons.

I'll definitely be back later on to cast my votes. In the meantime, if anyone would like to role-trade, I am more than happy :)

Re: WW 32: Harry Potter

Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:20 pm

Though she said she thought I hadn't opened my role... I had. So erm. :P Maybe not the greatest thing to go on.
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