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Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:22 am

Typhoon, I'm devastated. I thought we had something special D:

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:25 am

Anvil wrote:Ciwey, dance with me again!



Vote: Ryguy
Vote: Byakuya San

Random votes. :)

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:25 am

Ammer wrote:Vote: Regan
Vote: Chipper

Random votes with absolutely no basis whatsoever.

Ryguy wrote:Hmm....two poisonings? I find it odd that there would be two teams with the same kill method. Might it be possible that the doubler targetted a baddie? Just an idea...

Perhaps it was a secret power of some sort?

Assuming it is a secret power, I don't know why someone would waste it on the first day unless they were completely new to WW.

Considering victory conditions are usually to kill all innocents and other baddie teams, it's not exactly a waste.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:53 am

Vote: Graph
Vote: Helena


Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:55 pm

D-cha is a happy girl, so she'll spare you all.

Vote: no execution
...for now, atleast. XD

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 3:23 pm

Vote: Helena
Vote: Missy

(Courtesy of

Don't let things get too crazy while I'm at work.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:03 pm

Vote: Ryguy
Vote: Helena

Move to: Ballroom

*prepares to strike with expressive dance*

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:22 pm

Vote: Rox
Vote: Pixa

Random woop.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:30 pm

Move: Great Hall
Vote: Bruces Galore
Vote: Byakuya San

Random out of those who have already been voted for. =D

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:08 pm

Move:the ballroom

Vote: dyl

Yeah for totally random voting.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:17 pm

Christopher wrote:
Ammer wrote:Vote: Regan
Vote: Chipper

Random votes with absolutely no basis whatsoever.

Ryguy wrote:Hmm....two poisonings? I find it odd that there would be two teams with the same kill method. Might it be possible that the doubler targetted a baddie? Just an idea...

Perhaps it was a secret power of some sort?

Assuming it is a secret power, I don't know why someone would waste it on the first day unless they were completely new to WW.

Considering victory conditions are usually to kill all innocents and other baddie teams, it's not exactly a waste.

But isn't the victory condition you're stating only for evil players?

I didn't say the person was a baddie, I just said it could be a person with a secret power, good or bad. They may have just gotten a kill as a secret power or something.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:08 pm

Vote: Noone

I mean, who would I vote for?

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:47 pm

Ill stay put in the library

Randomness voting tonight
Vote: Keith
Vote: Ammer

They're the two posts above my own.
I'm not that original you know.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 1

Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:35 pm

Miyu has been persuaded to vote for Alex. She cannot change this vote.

Vote Tally

Alex - 7, May, Byakuya San, Pink, Missy!, Miyu, Ressficent, Typhoon
Bruces galore - 3, Anvil, Ressficent, Twizzler0171
Ammer - 3, May, Typhoon, 3lla
Byakuya San - 3, Alex, CWisgood, Twizzler0171
No Execution - 3, Moongewl, DM was on fire!, Keith
Rox - 3, Ryguy, graphitesmoothie, Twinkle
Helena - 3, Rox, Regan, Pixa
May - 2, Alex, graphitesmoothie
Pixa - 2, Anvil, Ryguy
Missy! - 2, Pink, Regan
Dyl - 2, Skynetmain, Bruces galore
graphitesmoothie - 2, Helena, Rox
Ryguy - 2, CWisgood, Pixa
Regan - 1, Ammer
Chipper - 1, Ammer
Ella - 1, Byakuya San
Pink - 1, Missy!
Rachel - 1, Skynetmain
Typhoon - 1, Helena
Pixa -1, Rox
Raz - 1, Bruces galore
Keith - 1, 3lla

32 alive, 17 for majority, 24 for lock.

Ballroom: Pink, Twinkle, Alex, Rachel, Anvil, CWisgood, Ryguy, Helena, Pixa, Bruces galore
Great Hall: Moongewl, Ressficent, Keith, Ammer, Chipper, kcharles, Raz, Skynetmain, Twizzler0171
Library: DM was on fire!, 3lla, Dyl, Byakuya San
Gallery: Rox, Laryxler, Typhoon, Regan, Christopher, graphitesmoothie, May, Missy!, Miyu

Execution soonish.

Re: WW 34: WW @ Half-Malignant Half-Castle - Day 2

Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:38 pm

Vote: Tom
Vote: Rox

Yup, they're meant to be.
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