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The hunt for the way out

Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:00 pm

Many of my other games were not succesful, but this will be.

There are two teams, A and B. You are to use the items around you to find your way out of this creepy mansion. This is a chance game, and both teams start in rooms across. The house. Each team has to discuss what to do, then a team contestant has to write in italics what they do.

For Example: You find a map of the house and three doors. Which one do you pick?

A1:door 1?

A2: no, door 2

A1: ok. We pick A2 to try to open door 2.

Oh, I forgot, you can only send one teammate to do something at a time, and if (s)he finds a trap, (s)he's out of the game. The prize is not yet decided...

Team A: You find a curtain, a lantern, and a silver key. The room is dark. You can see a faint door. You can also see a bulge in the corner....

Team B: You see three doors, one silver, one gold, one bronze. A window is open. You see a key in one of the doors. You might be able to unlock it...

Sign up, choose your team, and if you have any questions, ask.

Each team can have 5 people.
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