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WW6-B Gameplay

Sat Jan 08, 2005 6:42 am

Werewolf 6-B
Look over the bold

It's a game of strategy, lies, and a little bit of luck. Basically the goal is to exterminate the other teams before yours gets eliminated. Those who are "innocent" must kill off the forces of evil. Those who are evil must mathematically eliminate the others so they are the last ones standing.

Basic GamePlay Notes:
Execution occurs every day at 6 PM NST (pacific).

Night will still end at 6:45 PM NST.

Lists may be sent at any time for that day/night cycle, unless I say explicitly in your role that there is a time restriction.


1. Roles are always given out randomly. Just because someone was one thing last game, has no meaning to what they will be this time. Then again...

2. Once you have died in this game, you cannot post in the game thread. You will may, however, post in Commentary. However, once you are dead you are not useless to the game. Please read on.

3. NEVER claim that I have said something falsly. This includes modeling and making up a PM that looks like mine about your role. Do not COPY/PASTE, FORWARD, SCREENSHOT, QUOTE ANY of my PMs to you. Especially your role sheet. Don't show that to anyone! (This includes ON and OFF the game thread) If I catch this, you will be modkilled on the spot.

4. No hints are embedded anywhere from myself.

5. Activity is important. If you are certain you won't be around in the next 2 weeks do not sign up. If you disappear from the game (especially if you have a role), you will get a 1-day warning and then you will be modkilled/role-reassigned if necesary.

6. Lying is a part of this game. Don't be mad if one of your "allies" turns out to have been lying to you the whole time. It's a game. It's a game. It's a game. Remember this.

7. You may not vote for yourself.

8. Times are always based on the PPT timestamp. The clock can be seen on the index of PPT on the top right area.

9. As a reminder, once you have died, you should still be rooting for your team. As even through death or not, the team wins as a team (dead or alive).

10. You cannot post private conversations on the gamethread or commentary without the other person first giving me permission via PMs. If and only if that occurs, I will give you the green light to do so.



13. The decision to whether or not to combine the two sections has already been made. But I won't tell you what it is :P

You may vote for 2 people once again.

If you wish to vote for someone, you MUST use the following format:

Vote: Person A
Vote: Person B

If you wish to CHANGE your vote, after voting for someone-
Unvote: Person B
Vote: Person C

If you want to vote for a NO EXECUTION-
Vote: Nobody, No execution, None (Something to that effect)

If you vote for a No Execution, any other votes you may have had before are removed.

If you vote for someone after having a vote for No Execution, your vote on No Execution will be withdrawed.

If you vote for a third person, without validly withdrawing from someone else, that vote will be ignored, and you will be informed of that on the game thread.

You may not place both of your votes on the same person.

Summaries are made by me when I feel it is necessary. If I have made a mistake, please tell me right away. Anyone may post a summary, but nothing is official unless it is done by me.


Votes must be on the game thread before the timestamp reads 6:00PM. If it says 6:00PM or later it is VOID and will not be counted.

The person who has 51% of the amount of players in the game will be executed. (30 people --> 16 votes needed)

If a person has 75% of the votes, the votes are FROZEN from being withdrawn from. That person will be locked in as an execution candidate and may not be voted for any further. (30 people --> 23 votes)

If and Only If there is a person with a 75% locked majority, can you attempt to kill another with a 51% majority.

However, If there are two people with more than 51% but less than 75% votes, the person who has more votes will be executed, but only that person.

If there is a tie (except with a double frozen lock at 75%), or no majority, the decision will be made in another way.

Do not expect OR BOTHER ME to get the execution up by 6pm sharp. There are many factors that may skew an execution. Don't bother me please.

Night begins immediately after I post the execution scene.
Night will usually end at 6:45, unless otherwise stated.

"LISTS" must be sent before the 6:45 time stamp. If it says 6:45 or later it is VOID.

Protections occur immediately after night begins.
Then killings will occur in the order they are given to me.
Then all other roles will follow, unless it says explicitly when it will occur, in the order given.

Do not expect OR BOTHER ME to get the execution up by 6.45pm sharp. There are many factors that may skew an execution. Don't bother me please.

Secret Powers

1. You cannot say that you have one, or falsely say you have one that is in the game. If you do, consequences will occur.
2. Once you get the results of the power, and all uses have been used up, you may reveal what you could do.
3. If you are on a TEAM, you may discuss it with each other, but I will say so in your PM.
4. If you are confused on what you can do, or even have slightest doubts, please PM me to ask.
5. Consequences are harsh for prematurely revealing a Special Power... They will depend on the severity.

For the Dead:
1. You may only post on commentary.

2. All speculations must come from the game thread, and not information gathered by secret.


4. There are situations that may allow a person to come back alive into the game. PAY ATTENTION.

5. Once in this game, you will be allowed a SOUL STEAL. You will vote in Commentary to take someone down into the depths of death.

This will require a 2/3 majority of those who are dead.

You must vote IN THIS FORMAT:

Soul Steals may not be withdrawn.
Soul Steal votes are reset after every even night.

Times are always in NST/PST.

---DAY TIME---
6:00- Votes due, Execution
6:45- Lists due, Night Killings
---NEXT DAY---


meowth1982- Quizzical Boxer- Shot Night 1
Raze- Enlightened Cherub- Executed 2
Kugetsu- CityFolk- Shot Night 2
Puck102701- CityFolk- Hung by Silk Noose Night 2
Ziggy- CityFolk- Executed 3
Wind- Coin Collector- Head Explosion Night 3
Monique- Mafia- Mauled Night 4
Twizzler0171- Mason- Obliterated Night 4
xjox- Devil - Mafia Day Kill 5 **DEFEATED**
Last edited by ScottNak on Thu Jan 13, 2005 3:43 am, edited 8 times in total.

Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:16 am

Scott walks into the caved area, with the maid figure following behind him. Upon taking a quick look at the votes...

elle_101- 4 vote: Twizzler0171, cap, Tonu, xjox
Wind- 3 vote: Matt, xjox, JayJay
Matt- 2 vote: Ziggy, Wind
cap- 2 vote: Qanda, gundam_kola01
Tonu- 2 vote: gundam_kola01, elle_101
Plducala16- 1 vote: Ziggy
Ziggy- 1 vote: plducala16
warxelo- 1 vote: plducala16

Nobody- 1 vote: Monique

The maid starts to mumble slowly into Scott's ear...

"Having fun you are?
I don't know...
You do?
Yes well...
Ok ok ok. Just do your work"

The maid searches for more powdery substance within her hold, faces the voted select, and throws the powder at someone.

As the smokey atmosphere clears up, a body is found laying flat on the floor. UPon rolling over, the identity is revealed. Ziggy.

Beside him is a small coin, that fades away.

"Well... it seems that besides that, he's a simple Cityfolk. No good over here either..."

Night3 begins

Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:17 am

Ok.. It's my bad. I killed an innocent. :9

I feel so horrible. :(

Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:17 am

What another goodie??? :( I guess at least it wasnt matt....

Its not your fault plducala16 it was random.

Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:19 am

Gah, another goodie killed...

Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:21 am

xjox wrote:What another goodie??? :( I guess at least it wasnt matt....

Its not your fault plducala16 it was random.

I was the only to vote for Ziggy. Had I not voted for him he's still be here..

And what is with you and your infatution with Matt?

Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:21 am

Poor Ziggy! :( Too many innocents dieing because of the random votes...

Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:21 am

Dang it!

vote: wind

We need to get a majority.

Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:22 am

cap wrote:Dang it!

vote: wind

We need to get a majority.

Wait for night to end, silly. ;)

Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:23 am

lol I am 'infatuated' because at the moment he seems like our best chance at getting a baddie, its not like the executions are doing us much good.

And Im just stating that Im glad it was just a cityfolk rather than someone who can actually do something.

Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:23 am

Ziggy wasn't even a real target, this isn't good.

cap you're right though, we can't leave the executions in other peoples hands. Are you sure about wind though?

Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:25 am

xjox wrote:lol I am 'infatuated' because at the moment he seems like our best chance at getting a baddie, its not like the executions are doing us much good.

And Im just stating that Im glad it was just a cityfolk rather than someone who can actually do something.

Baddies often kill other baddies.. a single baddie team has a chance.

It just seems liek you're using your sweet motherly "charm" to take our looks away from you.. Seems sort of suspicious to me..

Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:25 am

that random generator is evil.. :( poor ziggy only had 1 vote while others had more.

Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:31 am

plducala16 wrote:
xjox wrote:lol I am 'infatuated' because at the moment he seems like our best chance at getting a baddie, its not like the executions are doing us much good.

And Im just stating that Im glad it was just a cityfolk rather than someone who can actually do something.

Baddies often kill other baddies.. a single baddie team has a chance.

It just seems liek you're using your sweet motherly "charm" to take our looks away from you.. Seems sort of suspicious to me..

Oooh I never knew I had sweet motherly charm!! :P

Seriously we are not doing very well in this game and random voting is not helping anyone, thats why I tried to get a majority in the last vote. And Im trying to keep anyone who can help us, but the only person i am convinced of is Matt, hence the person I want to keep is Matt! That is of course if he doesnt get killed tonight for saying his role.

And I know that baddies often kill other baddies, but to be honest theyre doing a pretty good job of not killing each other. What do you want us to do, keep voting of innocents randomly and let the baddies take the rest of us out?

Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:46 am

Well, it could have been worse, I guess... I'm glad that it wasn't a really important role, like A's... they lost another Shaman.

And it seems they've gone from playing Clue to playing Life... is it game night over there? :roll:
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