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Musical Chairs 2 - Gameplay.

Mon Jan 24, 2005 3:05 pm

Only post in this topic if you are an active players or a dead player posting their last remarks.

List of people playing.

Chipper-2 lives left
Ammer-2 lives left
Jellyfish-2 lives left
Robert-2 lives left
Stephanie-2 lives left
Warxelo-2 lives left
YesItIsh-2 lives left
The_dog_god-2 lives left

Twizzler-1 lives left-lost life night 5 due to KO
Kidwaiy-1 lives lf-Lost life night 3 due to RO
DM_was_on_fire-1 lives left-Lost life night one due to TO

luckystar-0 lives left - Loust life night 4 and 5 due to RO-out
Requiem-0 lives left-Lost life night two due to TO-Lost life night 4 due to KO- out
Unot-0 lives left-Lost life night one due to TO-Lost life night two due to TO- OUT

TO stands for time out, or when you dont sit before 24 hours. RO stands for round out, when all the sits are filled. KO stands for Knockout, when your seat gets hit by the tools.

Remember only post in this topic if you are an active players or a dead player posting their last remarks.

We will be using lives in addition to everything else this game. If you are in a chair hit by the tools, or if you are the last to sit, you will only lose a life, but be elimated. However, if you do this a second time, you are gone. In addition, if you have the Banana or are the IDS and you die even once you lose your power and job :)

Anyways-the IDS has been picked, the Banana has been hidden, so lets play :P

The fourteen people start the game in a dark room. An announcers voice booms "Welcome to Musical Chairs! And now your host.... Siiiiiirclucky!" Lights switch on as a furry monkey walks into the room. "Thankyou... Thankyou" The monkey says. "Are you guys ready to play some music chairs?". After agreeable cheers from the 14 contestants the monkey

Amusement Park a mini Disneyland large and spacious, One could compare it to the size of a castle. The walls are painted to resemle an amusment park all kinds of rides, games and entertainment everywhere. The floors are made of asphalt. In the ceter of the room you will find a Merry~go~round With all kinds of flashing and blinking lights to lighten up the room. Around the boarders of the room you will find the frame of a roller coaster that goes up over the doors and around the room. The merry go-round is composed of 13 arrow beanbags, for the 13 people who will get to sit. The bean-bags are clearly marked with 1,2,3 all the way up to the last beanbag which is marked as the 13th one. The monkey starts to spin the merry-go-round and plays music you'd normaly hear while riding on one. "I'll be back in a little while to watch you all sit" the monkey says.

Only post in this topic if you are an active players or a dead player posting their last remarks.
Last edited by sirclucky on Fri Jan 28, 2005 9:44 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Mon Jan 24, 2005 3:16 pm


Wow, what a nice place. I love Disneyland!

Mon Jan 24, 2005 3:37 pm

Psss-I never stopped the music :P . Normally id kill you(or make you lose a life). but the chairs in round one are nicer...

As Ammer tries to sit in the first chair, its auto defence systems kick in. IIt rockes Ammer out of the chair, sending Ammer flying in the air and making Ammer land on the roller coaster. And 5 loops of the track, Sirclucky stops the roller coaster and lets Ammer out. "I hope youve learned your lesson" Sirclucky says :P

Mon Jan 24, 2005 3:53 pm

Oh sorry. I didn't realise the music wasn't stopped. Thanks for not killing or making me lose a life!

Mon Jan 24, 2005 4:45 pm

No problem :) .

The monkey appears again and yanks the power cord of the merrygo round out. The music stops and the merrygoround stops spinning. "Time to sit" the monkey says. "Remember, there are 13 chairs. Chair 1 gets the free transport, chair 3 is the chefs seat, and chair 13 has the tools, and the banana is also somewhere. Also remember you must sit in order, starting at 1 and ending at 13.

Mon Jan 24, 2005 5:37 pm

Sits 1/13.


Mon Jan 24, 2005 6:17 pm

Sits 2/13

sit's in marry go round horse arrow bing bag chair and watches ammer on her roller coster ride. *Smells* is that cotten candy I smell??

Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:19 pm

Whee! *Plops down onto a chair and turns around to put on the Chef's hat* Now, what to make, what to make...

Sits 3/13

(Do I PM you my choice, or post it on the game thread?)

Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:22 pm

Just posting it is fine :)

Isnt it funny that in the end of the game 3 out of 4 people sat in like 30 minutes, yet at the start its been nearly 4 hours and still 3 out of 14 have sat? :D

Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:43 pm

Sits 4/13

Hooray, so twizzler, what are we eating today?

Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:55 pm

Hmm, since we are at a Theme Park and at both Theme Parks I remember going to there were Dippin' Dots stands, that is what we will be having today. Dippin' Dots! I can't remember the flavours, but I believe there was Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry. And other flavours, too.

And for those of you who might be wondering what in the world Dippin' Dots are, its a sort of Ice Cream. Only its shaped like dots, and not creamy like you usually buy it in stores.

Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:07 pm

Hmm, never heard of Dipin' Dots, but I'll try a vannila one.

*Eats a Dipin' Dot* Hmm, not bad. Good job Twizzler *takes a bowl of Dipin' Dots to his chair*

Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:38 pm

Dippin Dots are the "Ice cream of the furture"-though they look more like icecream for cats :roflol: . Its like a bunch of small icecreamish balls. Ive only had it once and I think normal icecream is still way better.... but oh well, Twiz made the choice*eats a bowl of choclate Dpiin Dots *

Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:51 pm

Takes an order of di and dots ask "how many dots are their in dip n dots?"

Mon Jan 24, 2005 10:05 pm

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