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(*Dranzer*)'s Baby Picture Contest!

Mon Jan 31, 2005 12:28 am

This is a new idea that I have for Pink Ink, so I wanna spearhead it and submit it to Yoshi :D

You first announce that you want to send a picture of yourself. Then you Pm me with the following information:

Baby Picture
How long have you been on PPT?
How old were you when this was taken?(If you know...)
What do you like most about PPT?
What are your hobbies?
Do you make your own sets?
Do you role-play?
How often do you go on PPT?
Fav Color?
Fav Chocolate?
Fav Game?

I will then randomly choose one entry and (hopefully*crosses fingers*) it will be in the Pink Ink!

Well then, get posting!

Mon Jan 31, 2005 1:45 am

Thats a really good idea! :)

Mon Jan 31, 2005 3:29 am

Cute idea! I'll probably do it.

Mon Jan 31, 2005 8:35 am

Sounds like a fun and exciting Idea. This is me


Oh, ooops it hasn't started yet. ;) [/list]

Mon Jan 31, 2005 12:22 pm

Nice idea! I'll go for it if I can find a decent pic of myself. 0:)

Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:48 pm

*sigh* This died so quickly...Deadline is still the 7th...

Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:50 pm

I'm trying to find a decent pic...
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