For those topics one could describe as the forum equivalent of a twinkie. Word games, forum contests and giveaways are all the rage here.
Sun Jan 30, 2005 7:35 pm
I sent in my vote last night... next time we'll get Immunity! I know we will.
Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:30 pm
Twizzler0171 wrote:I sent in my vote last night... next time we'll get Immunity! I know we will.
That's the spirit!
Sun Jan 30, 2005 11:15 pm
VOOT VOOT, Spirt! No, but we will get immunity I am positive!!!
Mon Jan 31, 2005 3:45 am
I wonder who is going to be the unfortunate one to go *crosses fingers* I hope I don't have to leave this soon, I'm having too much fun.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 8:19 am
Tribal council results
Qanda enters the quite tribal council area. "I expect you all are eagerly anticipating the results of the tribal council. Without further ado, I'll go tally the votes."
First vote: robert2100
"None of his posts have really contributed much to the thread... and as far as I know, he hasn't helped the team much."
Second vote: Jelloflight
"I feel they won't bring anything to the tribe in the future. Hasn't shown the qualities others have."
Third vote: Robert2100
"He doesnt seem to be playing a team game right now."
Fourth vote: Shadowfare
"She doesn't seem to be posting much worthwhile."
Fifth vote: the_dog_god
"For the same reasons as last time, he has been quite obvious in other games. Allthough I'm not sure if that will matter here."
Sixth vote: the_dog_god
"He isn't an optomistic part of the tribe. He doesn't have the right attitude and needs to be told the tribe has spoken!"
Seventh vote: robert2100
"What can I say, Robert? I just have a suspicion with you. I know that you tried to form alliances with everyone, and I'm sorry to say that I don't buy into your talks of truth. Once a liar; always a liar. Good riddance."
Eighth vote: The Dog God
"I picked him randomly, and he complained about the tribe name which was like 'grrrrr'."
Ninth vote: Shadowfare
"Not contributing as much as required for games where group participation is a must ( / inactive)"
"Robert and the_dog_god have tied with 3 votes for each. Since everyone voted today, there will be no scapegoats for them. My almighty coin shall decide their fate," Qanda proclaims. "Robert will be heads, while TDG will be tails."
He flips the coin high in the air. Spinning as it fell, the coin landed neatly on the floor.
"Tails," Qanda says, looking at the coin. "I'm afraid you'll have to bring me your torch, the_dog_god."
"Nooooo!" screams the_dog_god. "But I voted for Robert too! He should be the one eliminated!"
"I'm sorry, but you voted for two people when you should have voted only for one. Therefore, I counted your first vote, which was for Shadowfare. You can however still post once more to says any last words you have."
The third person voted out from Hakunamatata is the_dog_god (in addition to luckystar who has left the game due to unfortunate circumstances).
Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:21 am
Knew I was going to be gone. Hopefully I'll do better in IDB Survivor 3 starting soon.
Some stupid reasons in there. Since when is voicing my opinion a bad thing eh ?? I'm plenty optimistic, the only negative thing I said was about the Tribe name which in all honsety is a pretty dumb tribe name. As for being obvious...I'd like to point out that hellyer and I pulled the other team off Ziggy...
*zaps the three voters with lightning and walks off*
(And we were only supposed to vote for one person *blinks*
And yes I did vote for Robert, but that was random selection...and I'm much too cool to scream like that Qanda
See some of you in IDB survivor. The rest of you *pulls out Valentia support flag and waves it around enthusiastically* It's not so much the number of people that's the reasons
Last edited by
TDG on Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:26 am
I'm sad to see you go mate, we worked well, as you said, to pull them off Ziggy and you were a good team player.
It does however sadden me that becuase 3 out of 9 people voted against you, you are supporting Valentia.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:55 am
Reward challenge: Set-making competition
Now's the time to put your set making skills to the test... today's immunity challenge involves making sets for me.
1) Each tribe can submit up to 5 sets (avatar + signature), posted on the game thread by the maker. All submissions must be original.
2) The sets are for me, so they should have my name (Qanda) on it.
3) No themes or suggestions are given. You've got to find your own pictures and create your own subtexts which you think I'd like.
4) I will choose one set which I feel is the best, and the tribe of that set maker will win the reward challenge. Therefore, the more sets you submit the higher chance you have of winning.
5) In addition to winning the reward challenge (this one gives 5 Reward Points), I will award the winning set maker with a token 25,000 neopoints for his/her efforts.
6) You have 48 hours to complete this challenge, starting from the time of this post.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:20 am
Awww TDG I didnt expect you to be the one to leave...
Actually I really thought I would be going today so thanks guys for keeping me in!:)
About the contest, I have absolutely no set making skills whatsoever *points to ppt apprentice thread* so is there anyone else who is good at making sets? We really need to win this challenge as hopefully one of the rewards we can buy will enable us to stop losing our team mates!
Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:34 am
xjox wrote:We really need to win this challenge as hopefully one of the rewards we can buy will enable us to stop losing our team mates!
Rest assured that the rewards will be worthwhile since it takes a few reward challenges to accumulate the amount of points needed to purchase them.
BTW, you all can post more than 5 avatars here, and put them up for discussion and critique. Just make sure that you inform me which 5 you want to enter for judging by the end of the time limit.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:46 am
Qanda wrote:xjox wrote:We really need to win this challenge as hopefully one of the rewards we can buy will enable us to stop losing our team mates!
Rest assured that the rewards will be worthwhile since it takes a few reward challenges to accumulate the amount of points needed to purchase them.
BTW, you all can post more than 5 avatars here, and put them up for discussion and critique. Just make sure that you inform me which 5 you want to enter for judging by the end of the time limit.
Any chance you have been looking for a snowman in a snowstorm set Qanda?!
Mon Jan 31, 2005 11:12 am
Qanda wrote:3) No themes or suggestions are given. You've got to find your own pictures and create your own subtexts which you think I'd like.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 12:53 pm
Immunity Challenge - Mutual Puzzling
This weeks immunity challenge will be rather different. This time,
your tribe will set the immunity challenge for the other tribe - in the form of a puzzle/conundrum.
1) The puzzle/conundrum should not be more than 300 words long and should have an accurate and objective answer which can be arrived at logically.
2) Discuss among yourselves what puzzle you wish to set.
3) One person from the tribe should send me the chosen puzzle (together with full, substantiated solution) within 24 hours of this post. The puzzle must be approved by me first.
4) You may send in more than one puzzle. If you choose to do so, I will arbitrarily choose the most challenging one to be used to for the other tribe's immunity challenge. Please do not send in more than 3 though, conduct the basic selection test yourselves first. (If you send in more than 3 I will choose the easiest one for the other tribe.
5) The opposing team will have 24 hours to solve your puzzle. The first tribe which solves the other tribe's puzzle/conundrum first, wins immunity.
Mon Jan 31, 2005 1:03 pm
Wow the immunity challenge sounds like fun!!
Mon Jan 31, 2005 1:48 pm
Ooh, I'll make a set for the reawrd...It won't be amazing...but if we get better ones people can replace it
For the reward challenge...I don't really know any conondrums...
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