I bet your all thinking "How can that daft fool convert monopoly to the internet," but I have a way
You will each be split into two teams, and you will have to elect a leader, and a token. You are now in that team, and that's what you'll be in for the rest of the game. Each team will also start of with 100,000NP. The team that wins will get the money that they have at the end of the game, split amongst them.
Every two days, a new round will begin, and each team will throw a die, and play will be just like normal Monopoly, except for the 'special squares'
That's all I have to say on the rules, for now. I'll tell you more when the game begins.
Sign ups will last until I have enough people. I'd prefer 16 people, resulting in 8 on each side, but will accept 20 if need be.