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PPT Survivor - And the winner is... (can be locked now)

Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:02 pm

Only remaining players of this game may post.

Remaining players:


Eliminated players:

Crystal Cloud
Blk Mage

Tribal jury

Blk Mage

As a reminder, the prize money now stands at -

150,000np for

100,000np for

And the winner gets to use put this in their avatar or sig:
Last edited by Qanda on Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:02 am, edited 24 times in total.

Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:04 pm

Woohoo! I made it to the merge!:D *is still in shock*

Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:06 pm

Please check the previous threads for results of the voting. As usual, all those voted out are entitled to one last post.

Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:20 pm

Wow! I really didn't expect to make it this far, I woulda thought tribe bonding woulda been stronger and voted out the intruder. Thanks guys :)

Also, to the person who voted for me (whom I believe to be Blk Mage), I have done everything I can do since I got back. I have submitted an avatar, I gave over my number as soon as I got it, which was a bit delayed, I gve my ideas about who to vote off the other team, I worked out and sent my working on the roman numeral to xjox as quickly as I could, and I am rarely on Neopets these days.

If I don't post as much rubbish as the rest of the tribe, I'm sorry.

Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:32 pm

Qanda enters again. "Now that you have merged, expect the game to get tougher and more intense now, with even more twists and surprises than before. You all have survived into the merge, but can you emerge as the sole survivor? To start off, we shall have 2 survivor activities today."

Survivor Activity 1 - Name your tribe

It's up to you all to come up with a new name for your tribe... discuss among yourselves on the thread, I'll come back 24 hours later and choose the one most popular as the new name of your tribe.

Survivor Activity 2 - Second Chance

Many people have been voted out thus far, and I have decided to give one of them a second shot at the game.

Actually, it will be you who will decide. Each person must PM me the name of one eliminated person who they think deserve to be given a second chance (or if you are evil you can vote for someone who you think is weak and non-threatening :evil:). You can choose between everyone who has been eliminated from the game so far, except luckystar101 (who left the game due to personal difficulties). The person with the most votes will re-enter the game.

Anyone who fails to complete this activity within 24 hours will be eliminated. As an additional twist, if there is a tie, all the people who have tied will re-enter the game. Thus, if you don't want your tribe overrun with even more rivals, it would be wise to discuss this over first. The thread is now free for you to use since you are all merged now.
Last edited by Qanda on Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:41 pm

I'd like to see hellyer back in the game.

Its tough to come up with a name.... o_O

Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:41 pm

Ahhhhhh!!!!!! I thought I'd be voted out that time, thank goodness some people forgot to vote! *gaspgaspgasp* Well, now starts the fun part of the game. :D Qanda, I wanted to ask you, will there be a Tribal Jury? Because I've noticed there are 9 people left, (the traditional number that starts the jury) and I was wondering how you were planning to pick the final Survivor.

As to a tribe name, normally I like something that is just a word in another language, but I'm in the mood to make something up. ;) So, how about...... Relmenda? Yes, I know it makes no sense, and has no meaning whatsoever, but I like making up weird names. :P

I love the idea of commentary, btw. I'd love to hear what outsiders think. ;) And for a person to come back, I'm thinking I'd like to see lakadazed. The only reason he had to leave was because he went camping and wasn't able to get home in time to vote.

Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:54 pm

amarise wrote: Qanda, I wanted to ask you, will there be a Tribal Jury? Because I've noticed there are 9 people left, (the traditional number that starts the jury) and I was wondering how you were planning to pick the final Survivor.

Yes. ;)

Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:17 pm

Does that mean we don't have to vote anyone else out?

Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:29 pm

xjox wrote:Does that mean we don't have to vote anyone else out?

Nope. I think the people that we vote out go to a panel of judges who will decide the winner.

Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:53 pm

:) As for names, here are some root words in Latin (because Latin and Greek names own you) :P

Fortitudo - courage
Vita - life
Amor - love
Pax - peace
Invalesco - to get stronger

:P As for the real tribe name, I'm not sure... xP

Post your suggestions.

Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:02 pm

Are we really REALLY merged? xD

I will not pick any name. I have no idea what name to pick. :P

Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:05 pm

Mairbeo - "To survive" in Gaelic
Superstes - "Survivor" in Latin

Ular or Hurang - Original names of the tribes on the UK version, meaning Snake and Eagle.

Ideas, but they're all rubbish ;)

Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:31 pm

Matt wrote:Mairbeo - "To survive" in Gaelic
Superstes - "Survivor" in Latin

Ular or Hurang - Original names of the tribes on the UK version, meaning Snake and Eagle.

Ideas, but they're all rubbish ;)

Oi! I forgot Gaelic! :P
My whole family's speaks it... well, on my grandmother's side... :P -calls her-

Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:22 pm

Oooh I really like Amor or Mairbeo... Im more inclined to go with Amor though seeing as its valentines day tomorrow.. <3
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