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Werewolf 7 Excess (Feb. 22-23)

Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:21 am


>>> CLICK for extended rules <<<

Bare bones
* Schedule
- Day ends at 6 sharp
- Night ends at 6:45 sharp

* Shields
- Everyone has shields to protect them. Shields vary by the different roles that exist in the game.
- Every day the shield will decrease by 5%
- No shield can go over 100%

* Secret powers
- Don't talk about them ANYWHERE

* Death
- You may be coming back, keep an eye on current events
- Soul Steal will work at 60%, after 11 people in graveyard.

Last edited by ScottNak on Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:01 am, edited 9 times in total.

Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:57 am

Continue the madness here -.^

Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:21 am

You need to update your first post a little :roll:

Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:32 am

Urthdigger notices the yellow flag outside the room and slows down on the go-kart he found stashed in the gym, making carefully not to pass anyone (That's what it means in racing, right?). The lesser speed gives him ample time to think. 0_o raised Lego, Kugetsu saved 0_o, and two Mafia members got killed one, by something he knew of from before, the other partially eaten. With one more day than he usually lived on these vacations, he had to make the most of it.

Vote is undecided, will decide later.

Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:35 am

Urthdigger wrote:Urthdigger notices the yellow flag outside the room and slows down on the go-kart he found stashed in the gym, making carefully not to pass anyone (That's what it means in racing, right?). The lesser speed gives him ample time to think. 0_o raised Lego, Kugetsu saved 0_o, and two Mafia members got killed one, by something he knew of from before, the other partially eaten. With one more day than he usually lived on these vacations, he had to make the most of it.

Vote is undecided, will decide later.

Kugetsu allegely saved o_0, liars often say they are protectors because it is impossible to prove.

Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:38 am

o_0 has been placed in protective custody.
You can't vote for o_0.

Wind- 3: Cap, Ziggy, Sock
Kugetsu- 1: Cap

38 alive
20 majority
29 to lock

Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:16 am

Well now, I think that was quite a good night :)

*sums it up for anyone still confuddled*

We tried to execute o_0, but it didn't work and it shot Lass instead, who was the vigilant.

Err...wolves killed off 2 mafia....legoquilt came back....

I think that's about it? All I can remember, anyway :P

Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:51 am

Since o_0 has proven his innocence, I shall direct my suspicions to Xil instead. I am curious as to why he posted that weird story on Robin Hood. Could it be because he is trying to cover up something? Until he replies, I will reserve my vote.

EDIT: I just saw Sock's post in the last thread which makes me suspicious of o_0. i don't think Sock will lie over matters of such magnitude if she were a baddy.

Vote: o_0

Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:22 am

Maybe Xil's writing about the character name, not the overall story. "Robin Hood".

I dunno, just seems like the crazy thing Xil'd do.

And I have to agree with you Qanda -- I don't think Sock would say something like that without reason o.O

Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:24 am

Alex wrote:Maybe Xil's writing about the character name, not the overall story. "Robin Hood".

I dunno, just seems like the crazy thing Xil'd do.

And I have to agree with you Qanda -- I don't think Sock would say something like that without reason o.O

Vote: Robin
Vote: Wind

(Think back to what Okamoto did in WW3, he knew someone elses power and they told him who to pinpoint, I didn't openly accuse cause I really didn't wanna be so mean.)
Last edited by Xil on Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:26 am

Xil wrote:
Alex wrote:Maybe Xil's writing about the character name, not the overall story. "Robin Hood".

I dunno, just seems like the crazy thing Xil'd do.

And I have to agree with you Qanda -- I don't think Sock would say something like that without reason o.O

Yes, I can't help but wonder why I posted the story on ROBIN hood

Vote: Robin
Vote: Wind

(Think back to what Nelly(an archangel), told Okamoto to do in WW3)

Are you implying something about Robin?

Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:27 am

Qanda wrote:
Xil wrote:
Alex wrote:Maybe Xil's writing about the character name, not the overall story. "Robin Hood".

I dunno, just seems like the crazy thing Xil'd do.

And I have to agree with you Qanda -- I don't think Sock would say something like that without reason o.O

Yes, I can't help but wonder why I posted the story on ROBIN hood

Vote: Robin
Vote: Wind

(Think back to what Nelly(an archangel), told Okamoto to do in WW3)

Are you implying something about Robin?

Yes. Robin = Evil!

One of the dreamers told me that Robin was a werewolf, they were afraid that they would be killed so they got me to say it instead, I didn't want to directly say it though, so as Alex said, I did an Xil thing and wrote a story..

Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:37 am

*blink* Erm. It seems like you've got some good evidence, and since I'm not going to be online between now and execution (stupid work and teachers), I'm going to vote. I trust you... for now, though don't expect me to trust you again if you're wrong!
Vote: Robin

Also, while I'm voting... I can't be bothered checking who it was, but I'm also suspicious of Wind. Call it gut instinct or female intuition or something :P
Vote: Wind

Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:44 am

In that case Vote: Robin too.

Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:44 am

Xil, you seem very confident in your accusations. I'm curious as to how they turn out so I'll place my vote based on what you’re saying. You do realize what happens if your wrong tho.

Vote: Robin
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