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Your Pets!

Sun Apr 10, 2005 12:06 am

Post pictures of your pet(s) here!
Last Time!
Ok, I posted 5 pictures of my dog.... Post as many pictures as you want! :)
Oh, and my dog is named Cookie. She weighs 11 pounds, and is a Dachshund and Maltese cross. She's 2 and half right now, and will be 3 on October 17th! :D

Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:15 am

Here is a picture of my Betta fish, Hedwig (yes, I know Hedwig is generally a female name, but I was in a Harry Potter mood at the time :))

Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:45 am

spacecase33 wrote:Here is a picture of my Betta fish, Hedwig (yes, I know Hedwig is generally a female name, but I was in a Harry Potter mood at the time :))

Eh, don't worry. Hedwig is "supposedly" a guy in the book and movie anyways. Female snowy owls aren't...well...snowy.

Anyways, enough of my rambling. Here's my dog. When she was younger. And cuter. And skinnier.

I made her picture prettyful too!
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