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Petpet Wars(Gameplay... finally!)

Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:38 am

So sorry this is late guys... i wasnt as prepared as I though i was... I still hope to end day one at 5 EST tomorrow though, so no slacking off day one :D. Rules are posted on other topic, basic overview here:

Rule overview:
(rules are found here:
Day ends at 5 PM NST
Night ends at 5:30 NST
Morning ends when it ends.
Do NOT send lists or votes during morning.
Votes are to be sent via PM.
Each petpet makes TWO votes.
TWO people with most votes are executed - their petpets die.
Points are earned from actions during the game.
Cloaks hide the petpets and can protect you from deaths.
The meepits are always watching you.
Question PMs should read “your user name - petpetwars - question”
Vote PMs should read “your user name - petpetwars - Vote - day (day number here)”
Role PMs should read “your user name - petpetwars - List - night(day number here)”
No quoting pms.
No putting yourself on your lists unless your role says you can.
Game ends 14 days from now.
Be sure to ask over guess :)
Have fun

More info will come later on naming your petpets(a very fun thing :P).

If you did not join the signups but want to play, there still may be space for you. Please pm me stating clearly why you missed signups and why you want to play.

im sure im missing stuff-poke me if you see any clear holes!

Anyways... game topic:


list of people playing.

3. PK
4..:Chronically Depressed:.
11. yesitish
12. Alex
13. Trinity
14. Kugestu
15. Blk Mage
16. Chipper


Florg suffers stroke!
When this headline ran in the neopian times last week, it was a joy for petpet everywhere-well, not all petpets. Florgs men had to do something batch of petpets which were in store for his next feeding! Why not play a lil game with them? So they gave the petpets to A large robot mynci whosnatched tehn up and took them off to a little hideaway island. There he and 16 eagar cohorts injected checmicals into the petpets to give them speciel powers. He then gave the petpets, hidden under cool color cloaks, to those 16 people. "Florg will be back in 2 weeks and will need to start eating again" the mynci said "untill then, we can have fun using all these petpets for a big game of petpet wars! Just dont tell NETP(neopians for the ethical treament of petpets) about what we are doing... ok?" With that he blew a wistle, stuck all the other petpets in a big box, and started the game.
The graveyard


I know its kinda small and messy. I'll look to make it bigger next time-also mayby make it a little neater :D
Last edited by sirclucky on Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:48 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Sat Apr 16, 2005 2:10 am

Oh it started, a very exciting game it's going to be!=D

Sat Apr 16, 2005 2:11 am

roles have been sent out. game is officall "on". Have fun and observe my lack of unorderlyness :D .(it really is quite sad... I was planning on having this all ready and perfect looking - now it looks hurried and rushed... oh well-its the content that counts :D

Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:05 am

It's so quiet...and dead....and no one posting.....-.-

Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:10 am

Oi, oi... =o Unorderliness is fun, Clucky. Why would you want to be any different? 'Tis so fun to be unordily...

... =]

Sat Apr 16, 2005 4:11 am

Haha, I'm confused, but I'll go and read over all the rules again. I can understand the lack of posts on a Friday night (well to some people :P). Anyway, can't wait to get this show on the road... err or for more people to post. XD

Sat Apr 16, 2005 4:39 am

I'm guessing that it's day one and not morning one, so stuff starts happening, and day ends sat 5 nst.

Sat Apr 16, 2005 4:41 am


Hi people. :)

Sat Apr 16, 2005 4:46 am

And another person posts...the fun is just building up. :roll:

Sat Apr 16, 2005 7:16 am

*looks around* runs to go find cloak and petpet

Sat Apr 16, 2005 11:09 am

-bites of Yesh's finger-

Hey, Yesh.

Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:26 pm

Yes it is day one. Morning one was the time between when I was sending our roles and when I started the game :)

Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:48 pm

We've started yay!

Sat Apr 16, 2005 4:17 pm

*Cuddles giant lump under cloak* Hiya everyone!

Sat Apr 16, 2005 4:38 pm

My suggestions to improve the game so it doesn't look unplanned and stuff:

1) Post the player list
People playing:

3. PK
4..:Chronically Depressed:.
10. sir_michael
11. yesitish
12. Alex
13. Trinity
14. Kugestu
15. Blk Mage
16. Chipper

2) Divide the rules into several major topics (i.e. points, execution, PMs, etc.)
3) I would prefer it if we had a theme/ set up, e.g. in a hotel (like WW8), in an abandoned town, in a forest, whatever. My little two cents. :oops:

Edit: I don't even know who can I vote for since I don't know anybody much. I don't like random voting.

Edit2: Does night end in am or pm? If there's just half an hour for night, I fear some people may have to send in their lists earlier or later.
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