Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:41 am
Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:41 am
Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:41 am
Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:41 am
[please wait...]
Background: … so THAT’s what it stood for? DANGGIT! @($!)!$!!
Economist F- JayJay (104), Economist M- Blk Mage (204), Economist O- Trinity (601)
Group Abilities
1- Lecture- Every night you must send me a list with 3 names on it. The person who is on top of the list, and is still alive, will be taught a lesson of Economics (which will bore them to death). If that person survives through their SHIELD, the 2nd person on the list will be attempted. If that person survives in the same manner, the 3rd. Even after then if it fails, your attempt fails.
2- Increase Supply- (1x) You happen to come up with a bullet. And you figure that my gun will be the best place to put it. In order to do this, you must post on the board the following words in the SAME (coherent) SENTENCE: Insert, Bullet, Chamber #. Select a # 1~6 to put in place of the #. My gun always has 1 bullet in it. If you attempt to place a bullet in that chamber, this fails. If not, in the next execution an extra person will be killed randomly (excluding economists). [Please PM me when you have done this and link your post]
Sample Sentence: “Well, the bullet I found in the floor was inserted into chamber 2 of the gun…” (Note that conjugations of the words are OK)
3- Increased Demand- (1x) Well, your demand to stay in the game is much too high. I couldn’t possibly execute you when you post the following statement, “For what it’s worth, its way too valuable.”
// Data Scrambled. Cannot be read. Moving to File 2.100
Economist F-
1- Increase Taxes- On odd days, you can go to someone and collect tax. If that person has an Secret Power, you take it from them. If not, you will break into the direct neighbors of that room to see if THEY have a SP. If they do, you take it. If not, a public statement will be made that a trail of wreckage seems to be coming from your initial target. Send me a list with 3 names on it before the end of Night. The person who is on top and still alive will have this action performed on them.
2- Increase Spending- (1x) Give me money to spend. This takes me out of the hotel for the entire Day/Night cycle, preventing anything from happening.
Economist M-
1- Buy Votes- On even days, you can compel me to vote for someone. PM me on who you would like me to vote for. I will make my vote when I receive the PM.
2- Interest Rate- (2x) Creates the chance (50%) that EVERY night actions fail for that night. (Each action will be individually evaluated)
Economist O-
1- Protection- Increase a partners shield by 20%. You have one use for each economist (including yourself). If an economist dies without using their shield, it is lost.
* As long as you are still alive, your shield only decreases by 5% / day instead of the standard 10%
2- Shift- Randomly changes two lists that have been sent that night, such that it flips the list so that the person in LAST gets attacked First. (2x)
[... end data]
Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:42 am
Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:42 am
Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:42 am
Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:43 am
Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:44 am
Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:44 am
[please wait...]
MYSTIC Fzun (502)
Background: Honing the powers of the runes secretly placed around the hotel, you’ve uncovered powerful new abilities… luckily it’ll help around here!
1- Dream- Each night you have the ability to dream if a person is a WEREWOLF or NOT. Before the end of night, send me a list of 3 people. Whoever is on top and still alive by the time your role is enqueued will be dreamt of.
2- Rune Stones- The Rune fragments that are placed around the hotel have the following markings: O O R (in that order). If you can figure out why that order is important, your Dream role will be modified.
3- Revenging Soul- If a certain player dies (which has been predetermined for you) …
** MC Note: Do not discuss the Error.
[... end data]
Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:45 am
2- Rune Stones- The Rune fragments that are placed around the hotel have the following markings: O O R (in that order). If you can figure out why that order is important, your Dream role will be modified.
Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:46 am
ScottNak wrote:[please wait...]
Background: Your cause is the right one. The only one. Represent. And with an Iron fist.
Teammates: -Ducky- (114), Monique (216), Syrill (218), Jellyoflight (411)
1- Whack- Every night you must send me a list with 3 names on it. The person who is on top of the list, and is still alive, will have a shooting attempt placed on them. If that person survives through their SHIELD, the 2nd person on the list will be attempted. If that person survives in the same manner, the 3rd. Even after then if it fails, your shooting fails.
2- Kiss of Death- (1x) A powerful weapon, all you have to do is go up to someone. Kiss them. And they will die at the end of night (it will be the first event). Send me a PM during DAY on who you would like to perform this action on. This action bypasses any SHIELDS that a player may have.
3- SCRAM!- (1x) Exit the building through a secret passage in order to prevent death during DAYTIME. This includes executions. PM me when you wish to use this. However, by doing this you do not have time to coordinate your night attacks. Therefore, you sacrifice “Whacking” someone for that night.
4- Massacre- (1x) This ability allows you to kill (Mafias – 1) people at night, if successful. If not, you cannot kill anyone. You will select (Mafias – 1) number of rooms of who you would like to attack. If all of those rooms are UNLOCKED for the night, you will be successful in your Massacre. If even ONE room is locked, the massacre fails. By using this ability, you sacrifice “Whacking” someone for that night. This must be used before the start of Day 5.
[By (Mafias-1) I mean the following: 4 alive = 3 people. 3 alive = 2 people. 2 alive = 1 people. 1 alive = unable to use]
5- Interrogate- (1x) Before the end of night, send me a PM saying who you would like to kidnap and interrogate. They will be notified at the end of night that they have been kidnapped and cannot vote/use their role until they choose one of the following:
A) Reveal their role to you
B) Reveal their last successful target [as a hidden bonus, you will receive part A as well]
C) Keep Quiet—be executed
If the person selects C, you get to try again ONE TIME (if next time they choose C, you do not get to try again)
By using this ability, you sacrifice “Whacking” someone for that night.
[... end data]
Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:46 am
Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:47 am
Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:47 am