Never Ending Story
(Okay, so I stole the name for lack of creativity and now it's stuck *shifty eyes*)
Well, as the name describes, this is a story game. So unless you like reading and writing stories, you'd better vamoos. No! No! I meant, stay.... yeah.
*cough* Alright, I'll get right on it.
Basically, the first host (me) writes up part one, and offers some choice as to which direction the story can go in. Everyone else votes on their favourite choice. Then, the host choses one of the voters (either randomly or selectively) to write up the next part. That person becomes the new host, and must write up a continuation on the story, offering some kind of choice at the end of their part. And that cycle just goes on.
Each writer only has to submit a few paragraphs; as little as one or two or as many as they wish, but must continue on with the preferred choice at the end of the previous part. The feel of the story can constantly change, sometimes being dark and brooding, other times being funny and bright, depending on the writer.
There are no sign-ups, so you can join whenever you feel like joining. Just come on in, and say you want to play. The only thing asked of each person is that they write up their part if they are chosen, and that they vote. So if you feel like being part of this game, just join in.
The first five parts were written by: Twisted Sanity, Johnnydontgo, .:Requiem:., Trinity and …Alex
Last edited by
Twisted Sanity on Thu Jul 07, 2005 7:25 am, edited 10 times in total.