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Next WW Signups! (Qanda's Only! 2!)

Tue May 10, 2005 5:02 am



The next set of Interim MC's have been selected!
Which also means the signups have restarted once again!

(And Yes, I'm fully aware Xil isn't from USA. But the Idea was great at the time. And I'm not wasting it)

If you choose to join this game, you will be taking part in PINKINKWOLF.
Day ends at 5:45 PM (Posted @ 6:00). Night ends at 6:45 PM (Posted @ 7:00).

Intro: "A Scoop to Die for...

Something has gone disturbingly wrong at The Pink Ink Head Quarters. The newest issue, which was supposed to be released two weeks ago hasn't been and most of the staff, who should be at home writing up the newest issue's columns have all dissappeared. In particular SuperEditor fashion, the managers of the Pink Ink have decided that the last people that need to see the HQ are the real police. So instead, they've found a large group of PPTers to investigate the mystery."

Extra information can be found here. Some of which may be important to signups.<hr><hr>B: OUT THE US- MC: Qanda
If you choose to join this game, you will be taking part in Werewolf in Doom Castle.
Day ends at 5:00 AM. Night ends at 6:00 AM.

Intro: It was a dark and stormy night. In the distance, a dark and menacing castle looms over the horizon. A bunch of drenched and bedraggled night travellers hurry towards it, hoping for shelter, not knowing that they are heading right towards their doom...

Welcome to DOOM CASTLE...... :evil:
To Sign up, please CLEARLY show the following

(A) The game in which you wish to sign up [Xil's? Or Qanda's?] (If you think you can play both, put ONLY the one that you prefer to play. And then place three asterisks (***) to indicate you can play both.

(A) Xil's/Qanda's Game (I want to play Xil's/Qanda's ONLY)
(A) Qanda's Game *** (I want to play Qanda's more, but I can play both if need be)
(A) Xil's Game *** (I want to play Xil's more, but I can play both if need be)

(B) Write a statement showing me that you know when day ends and night ends for the game you are signing up for (the preferred one)

(C) Write anything else that may be necessary for your signup to supplement mine.

>> The aim is 24 players per game. However, this is not a cap. If you wish to sign up and it seems to be full, do it. But it's not a guarenteed slot. It is up to the respective MCs to decide whether or not to accept.

Signups will end when appropriate.
<hr>((All Times in NST / PST))
Last edited by ScottNak on Sat May 14, 2005 3:20 am, edited 5 times in total.

Tue May 10, 2005 5:12 am

A) Xil's Game
B) Executions are at 5:45 (post at 6!) and night ends at 6:45 (post at 7!)
C) NAME: Sock
Personal Quote: "I eat small children for lunch. -munch-"
Access Key: A421

Tue May 10, 2005 5:17 am

A. Xil's game***
B. Votes end at 5:45, Execution posted at 6:00, Night lists need to be sent by 6:45, and night will be posted at 7:00. All times are PM (as in... not AM.).
NAME: Twizzler0171
Personal Quote: "Beware the Apple, poisoned red..."
Access Key: T171

(Goodness, I really need to make sure I have everything before I send the post the second time... *Pokes the asterisks*)
Last edited by Twizzler0171 on Tue May 10, 2005 5:21 am, edited 2 times in total.

Tue May 10, 2005 5:19 am

A) Question and answer - Qanda ***

B) Day ends early in the morning, so does night


Favourite colour : Black
Likes : Long walks through the park, brandishing a large knife and stabbing people in the rain
Dislikes : Short walks down the beach, weaponless and being stabbed with a small fork

Tue May 10, 2005 5:46 am

A) Qanda's Game ***
B) Exec 5 AM NST (2 AM my time :P), Night 6 AM (3 AM my time)
C) I do not know what to put here, so please inform me if I needto put something here.

Tue May 10, 2005 5:56 am

A) Xil's game only

B) Day ends @ 5:45, but posted @ 6 pm. Night ends @ 6:45 pm, posted @ 7 pm (NST)

C)NAME: Fizzy
Personal Quote: "Math pwns"
Access Key: X38B

Tue May 10, 2005 5:59 am

(A) Xil's Game ***
(B) Day ends 5 AM, Night ends 6 AM
(C) NAME: YesItIsh
Personal Quote: "There's more than it seems"
Access Key: 1OL6

Tue May 10, 2005 6:40 am

A) Xil's Game ***
B) Day ends at 5:45 (posted at 6), Night ends at 6:45 (posted at 7). All times are PM NST.
C) NAME: Mandy
Personal Quote:"Purple Monkey Dishwasher"
Access Key: 8Q5W
Last edited by Mandy on Tue May 10, 2005 9:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue May 10, 2005 7:10 am

A) Xil's game
B) Day ends at 5:45 PM (Posted @ 6:00). Night ends at 6:45 PM (Posted @ 7:00). I love being in NST :D
C) Name: Urthdigger
Personal Quote: Flash! Ahhh! Saviour of the universe!
Access Key: 2501

Tue May 10, 2005 7:45 am

A) Xil's Game ***
B) Day ends at 5:45 (posted at 6), Night ends at 6:45 (posted at 7). All times are PM NST.
C) NAME: Alex
Personal Quote:"Beware the violent midget"
Access Key: 63A2

Tue May 10, 2005 8:16 am

A) Qanda's Game
B) Day ends 5 AM, Night ends 6 AM
C)The early bird catches the worm but beware of the night crawlers :evil:

Tue May 10, 2005 10:46 am

(A) Qanda's Game
(B) For me, day ends at 2 pm and night ends at 3 pm. I'm in GMT +1.
(C) I <3 Qanda
Last edited by Wind on Tue May 10, 2005 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue May 10, 2005 10:58 am

(A) Xil's Game

(B) Day ends at 5:45pm NST(8:45pm EST), but will be posted at 6:00pm NST(9:00pm EST). Night ends at 6:45pm NST(9:45pm EST), but will be posted at 7:00pm NST(10:00pm EST)

(C) NAME: Trinity
Personal Quote:"All hail the sheep!"
Access Key: T490

Tue May 10, 2005 11:04 am

Wind wrote:(C) o_O I read the rules three times and couldn't find what I've got to put here to join Qanda's game.

Nothing else is necessary. I'm not one for signup codes or funny stuff like that. :P

Tue May 10, 2005 11:51 am

A.) Xil's Game*** (Technically, both times will work, though I will be in first hour at school (a computer class, luckily) when Day ends in Qanda's game.)

B.) Day ends - 5:45 PM NST (7:45 PM Central)
Night ends - 6:45 PM NST (8:45 PM Central)

C.) Name: Kugetsu
Personal Quote: "It tastes like burning..."
Access Key: 1337
Last edited by Kugetsu on Tue May 10, 2005 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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