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Pink Ink Wolf - All Players, please read first post

Mon May 16, 2005 2:28 am

The unexpected tends to happen in life. Whether that's someone dying, getting a parking ticket cause while returning a video that's two minutes late, or just simple having a rock fall from the sky and smash your windshield, these things happen, they're unavoidable and terrible, but they do.

I'm incredibly sorry about what I have to do now. It was a last resort, but we've no options. Pink Ink Werewolf is now cancelled. I'm immensely sorry about this.

I don't believe leaving you guys hanging is the right thing to do though, so here I go. Recently, my Mum was diagnosed with an auto immune disease called Systemic lupus erythematosus or Lupus for short. For those of you who don't know what it is--lupus is a disease of the immune system. Normally, the immune system protects the body from infection. With Lupus however, the body sort of attacks itself. it is an extremely testing disease, on both the patient's body and mind.

Not nearly as difficult, but still quite trying is the toll it takes on the patients family. I've never had this much work to do around the house, however, I will take it on without second thought.

This whole werewolf has been done on pen and paper, and there is no one I can really transfer this wealth of information too. Looking for other alternatives (such as turning the game over to another) would not of worked either, as those who I am in personal contact with were part of this game. Scott and I have discussed it, and it is clearly the only measure we can take.

I am incredibly sorry that I had to cancel this game. It's clear that all of you were quite passionate and into it (as there wasn't a time when I didn't have PMs). I cannot exagerate how incredibly guilty I feel about cancelling it & I do hope that you atleast had some fun with this game.

Thanks for your understanding,
Last edited by Xil on Wed May 18, 2005 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 16, 2005 2:32 am

You have done something very bad...
You must PAY for your deeds!
You must live with your guilty conscience!


I guess this gives a whole new meaning to "Eat..." Eh... Nevermind. :P

Dead 1st day again. >_

Mon May 16, 2005 2:34 am

How rude, killing me first night. =o *Points fingers at Kuge* It was you! ... Err, wait. No it wasn't...

And almost glad I was dead, Xil? How rude... I feel so unloved... *Pout*

... Isn't this like, the second time Googles has killed by eating people? Eheh... *Backs away slowly*

EDIT: Oh, and I request you don't read those papers... I think you grabbed my article, as well. =P

Mon May 16, 2005 2:36 am

Twizzler0171 wrote:How rude, killing me first night. =o *Points fingers at Kuge* It was you! ... Err, wait. No it wasn't...

And almost glad I was dead, Xil? How rude... I feel so unloved... *Pout*

... Isn't this like, the second time Googles has killed by eating people? Eheh... *Backs away slowly*

EDIT: Oh, and I request you don't read those papers... I think you grabbed my article, as well. =P

Zombies only ate brains, darling.

Advice for the Dead
-Appleseeds could revive

Look up.

Mon May 16, 2005 2:39 am

Hmm... I wanted to kill people. (of course, not you Twiz :P) :cry:

So... Googles, how does Kugetsu head taste like? *stuffs flesh down Google's throat*

I love the fact that my headless body jumped at o_0's scream. Wow, a scream to awaken the dead. :lol:

This game has some majory freakiness to it, that's for sure. o_0

Edit: Hmm? *goes to look the strange stuff up*

Mon May 16, 2005 2:42 am

Well... that's sort of like eating someone... or it is... or whatever...

And... Appleseeds can revive? Oi, you, Kuge. You thinking what I'm thinking? >=]


Mon May 16, 2005 2:50 am

No clue what is going on now... really..., but apparently, we're to "Be Warned" for some reason x_x. But I'm dead... and... yeah. >_>

Oh and Twiz, I'm probably on the same wavelength as you, but I probably don't have the exactly same thought. :p
Last edited by Kugetsu on Mon May 16, 2005 2:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon May 16, 2005 2:51 am

Wow... lots of ppl died :o how many baddies do you got in there xil? :roflol:

Mon May 16, 2005 3:24 am

We've got people killing with frying pans it seems... it's like an evil hillbilly team. :o

Mon May 16, 2005 3:38 am

Kugetsu wrote:Oh and Twiz, I'm probably on the same wavelength as you, but I probably don't have the exactly same thought. :p

I have apples! Lots of apples! Poisoned, and regular! WOO! ;)

Mon May 16, 2005 5:12 am

I wouldn't have voted to kill you Fizzy if I didn't believe that you had the best chance of being a baddie. :3 Oh... and about this protection...

Mon May 16, 2005 3:01 pm

-snickers- One less game to keep track of, anyway.

I know a Runanite's identity. :*

Tue May 17, 2005 2:18 am

Oi, the confusion reigns free again. That was... interesting. o_o

Tue May 17, 2005 2:21 am

Yes, very... and it made my head hurt until I figured out everything was just being repeated, backwards...

Now, how to make that time machine work so that Kugey and I also haven't died... *Ponders*

Tue May 17, 2005 2:27 am

Wishful thinking. :P

I kind of feel sorry for the people that are alive. o_o They're probably being fed false information by the mouthful and there's no way for them to know whether or not what they see is true or not. x_x

I wouldn't be surprised if Stephanie was a cannibal and Robert was a healer. :lol:

EDIT - Dream of Blk Mage, and protectors protect Wymrot (whether it is needed or not). I believe that Blk Mage is probably another werewolf as he is probably waiting until more people get closer to a majority on Trinity before he casts his vote, to make sure he isn't the one that decides Trinity's fate. This was used by TDG to kill me and I was bad, I'm sure the same thing can probably be said in this position. It's not a sure shot, but it may be as good as you've got.[/b]
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