For those topics one could describe as the forum equivalent of a twinkie. Word games, forum contests and giveaways are all the rage here.
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Sun Jun 12, 2005 6:43 am

First Post. Booyeah.

Sun Jun 12, 2005 6:52 am

Darn you, WIS, I wanted first post. =( I should have gotten it when I had the chance, but no, I decided to wait for my role... but now you have have first post, so it doesn't matter. ^_^


Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:00 am

Third Post!

Who to vote... :D

Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:13 am

Alex is hosting, yay!

This is going to be fun :D

Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:15 am

Alex lead the group onto the set of her latest movie.

"Hi, guys. My name's Alex, and I'll be your director for the duration of this movie. There's a variety of people involved in this movie - assistant directors, writers, gofers, lead actors, and more."

She paused to let them look around the set. As she began to speak again, her mobile rang. "Hello? ...Yes? ...It's confirmed? Alright, thanks." She hung up.

"Well guys, looks like we've got some bad news." She smiled at the gasps of those who thought the movie might be cancelled. "No, the movie's still going ahead, but it appears there are a few members here who have evil intentions."

Alex surveyed the group. "My assistants haven't been able to locate who these people are, but I've been told some of you have the ability to do so. Instead, I can offer to eliminate one person a day, providing you agree on a majority."

She walked off to her office, leaving the group of 30 to talk amongst themselves.

Day 1 has begun.

(Obviously, I'm not ending this in an hour ;) Day 1 will be a little over 24 hours.)

Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:26 am

1st post after day 1 starts!

Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:31 am

Yes! It started! And to think, I came "THIS" close to missing signups!

Vote: No Execution

I'll change it for a majority if need be.

Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:58 am

Purely random vote.

Vote: matterbug

Partly to get conversation, and partly because I think we need executions on Day 1.

Sun Jun 12, 2005 8:27 am

Yay, it has started! :)

I don't think I'll vote yet, I'm not sure if I like first day executions or not.

Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:37 am

Whee, it's started :) And Alex is our MC :D I don't believe in First Day executions, so I ain't voting anyone... Unless I'm feeling odd..

Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:47 am

I say Alex is a little too causul about the whole evil people thing. I mean, it's like saying "Oh yeah, there's a deadly disease out there, have fun..."

Evil MCs...

And I'm all for first day executions so I'll go

VOTE : Watericesage

(First name on the list)

Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:33 am

Vote: Matterbug

Because therecan only be one matt :evil:

Sun Jun 12, 2005 12:04 pm

I'm going to wait a bit before voting, see how everyone is acting.

Sun Jun 12, 2005 1:19 pm

Vote: WIS
First posters are evil :P

Edit to add dumb question: what's an All Star game?
Last edited by Wind on Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jun 12, 2005 1:56 pm

wow everyone's already voting, now this seems like it's going to be interesting enough. As per usual I'll hold off my vote until later and wait to see what happens. Good luck everyone. ;)
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