For those topics one could describe as the forum equivalent of a twinkie. Word games, forum contests and giveaways are all the rage here.
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Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:02 am

Thats right, I need a set. But not just any set.

The set in question is for a counter strike gaming forum that I frequent. For those of you who dont know, Counter Strike is the single most popular online First Person Shooting Computer Game of all time. Therefore, the usual PPT limits do not apply. It can ( and should ( please )) be BIG, ( but not too big please. 600 X 200 or something of the like ), and animated. It should also rock. Suitable images etc should be easy to find around the net.

Theme should be something suitably macho and cool involving counter strike. My online name is ~DreDNawT~, and I'd like this incorporated somewhere. There is also a quote I particularly like which you can feel free to take from or include completely if your heart desires. It runs thusly:

And lo, I beheld a pale horse, and he who sat upon it, his name was DreD, and Hell followed with him.

As you can tell, the quote has been suitably edited. You dont have to use it, of course.

As for the prizes :

1st Place - 50k NP
2nd Place - 25k NP
3rd Place - 10k NP

Also not only will everyone else who enters recieve 2k NP, but for 1 month following the judging, I will change my name to whatever the First Place winner desires ( but keep it clean ). This could be something along the lines of "insertwinnersnamehere pwns me", or, "I smell like a baboon's bottom", or "I wish I was as cool as insertwinnersnamehere". Im sure you can see the possibilities. You could even run a poll as to see what you should choose. Im sure you agree, not an opportunity to miss ;)

All NP prizes were very very kindly donated by Charisma and Jasujo :hug: , as I dont actually play Neopets anymore.

The deadline for this contest is September 11th. I look forward to any entries :)

Entries so far :

1 - everconfused

2 - everconfused

3 - Robert

4 - Charisma

5 - gemma58

6 - The Wonder Weezel

7 - Christopher

8 - Lost

9 - timkhj

10 - Charisma

11 - Charisma

12 - Bangel

13 - _jaye_

14 - Jasujo

Couldnt be happier :) This has worked out better than I ever imagined. Thank you all for entering :)
Last edited by Jim on Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:13 pm, edited 12 times in total.

Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:16 am

Was 400 x 300 an actual size you'd like or were you exaggerating? lol

Also, what is the avatar limit for this forum? File size limits would be nice to know, too (if there are any). :)

Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:03 am

Jasujo wrote:Was 400 x 300 an actual size you'd like or were you exaggerating? lol

I see you caught me before I updated the post. The new size I set is actually quite reasonable considering some of the sigs people use. Time to go mad :P

Jasujo wrote:Also, what is the avatar limit for this forum?

Also not a big issue, but I'll limit this to 150 X 150.

Jasujo wrote: File size limits would be nice to know, too (if there are any). :)

File limits shouldnt really be an issue. Anyone visiting the forum plays the game, and the game requires a high speed connection. I know one lad whose sig is beyond huge. Even so, limit the av to 100k Max and the sig to 300k. They'll only have to load them once, afterall, so I may be flexible on this if need be.

Fri Aug 19, 2005 1:04 pm

I will enter.

If a fellow man (or woman) needs a set that has a theme of a video game. Then it shall be made.

... It just won't be very good.

Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:33 pm

Do we have to use images taken from Counter Strike, or can we use photographs of actual SAS guys? (if we were going to use SAS guys on it?)

Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:57 pm

Paul wrote:Do we have to use images taken from Counter Strike, or can we use photographs of actual SAS guys? (if we were going to use SAS guys on it?)

Totally up to you mate. :)

Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:34 pm

here's a rough draft of my idea, let me know how you like it


Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:00 pm

moogie wrote:here's a rough draft of my idea, let me know how you like it


I knew this contest was a good idea. Looks superb, mate!

Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:15 pm

Ooh. =)

I really want to enter this. Not going to win at all, but 600 x 200? Yay for room to actually do stuff! :-D

Edit: Sig

Image Image

Transparency doesn't look so good on Subblack, but since your own signature has white around the edges in Subblack as well, I didn't think you'd mind. It stinks. Worse av coming soon.

EDIT: Av added in there.
Last edited by Bangel on Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:17 am

Well, I tried ... knowing nothing at all about Counter Strike. It does really look interesting though. I may have to check it out. So many layers (oy), a few different images used.



just in case, here's the url for the sig: ... sig1ub.gif

Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:54 am

everconfused wrote:Well, I tried ... knowing nothing at all about Counter Strike. It does really look interesting though. I may have to check it out. So many layers (oy), a few different images used.



just in case, here's the url for the sig: ... sig1ub.gif

Some of those images are from Half-Life 2, but it is a good set!

I'm still working on mine.

Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:55 am

*le sigh* Well, I googled Counter Strike, those images came up with of course pages and pages of others, so I thought the Half-Life 2 was a kind of "chapter" of Counter Strike. What do I know, I'm just a girl! :P

Okies, so I searched again, and I think(?) these all are correct. Sure hope so. My psp had a fit and shut down a few times (always fun, eh?). Had to use theimagehosting, imageshack is acting wonky.


Image ... jimcav.gif ... imcsig.gif

Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:15 pm

Excellent work so far by everyone :) Keep em coming.

Fri Aug 26, 2005 1:32 am

Ooh... I'm going to enter I think, though I'n probably not gonna win.

Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:43 pm

Wow, I'm not used to so big :P

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