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PPT:THE NANO!!! sign ups:now Join!

Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:53 pm

No. It will not be official.

No. There will be no reward. (Unless someone donates a prize. But winning is a prize, isn't it?)

No. You can't claim to be the sole doer of it.


Yes. 10 people will work together to write 10 novels next month.

It is... PPT NaNoWriMo '05.

Go to if you don't already know the rules of NaNo, then read v*those*v rules.

The Game

If you choose to accept your mission, you will become a PPT novelist. You, along with 9 others, will begin writing on November 1.
The goal is to finish your novel in 1 month, however, your novel may be picked up by another player.

Picked up?

This refers to what happens after a loss. I will explain losses, then pick ups.

When you lose, it means you have the fewest points, as determined by a panel of judges, who will be explained later. Then, whatever you have written will be handed on to another player. This player can volunteer, which will help them in the next point session, or they can be chosen(if no one volunteers), which will give no benefit.
When you pick up, you may choose between either novel(your original novel or the one you picked up), or continue both, or you could combine them. To combine them, you must find a way to combine the two plots.
NOTE: If you do not wish for your novel to be continued by another person, you can opt to not let it be picked up.

If you do both, you will get double the points for the better novel, but they must both reach quota.

Quota? Whats that?

The number of words you must get between every voting session. You will not fall out of the game for not reaching quota, but you will lose points. The quota, by the way, is 5000 words.

How often are the votes?

Every three days.

What do I do during October?

PREPARE. Write an outline, do any preparation, but all NaNo rules apply.

How many players can there be?

10. Mention a videogame in your sign up post if you're actually reading this.


Anyone can judge a player's entry, but you must sign up and agree to a form given by me. You must read the form.

To become a judge, PM me asking for the form. I will give it to you. You will read and agree to it, and I will consider you.

You will judge the following criteria:

Quota Met
Readable(spelling and grammar must be at least decent.)
Overall Satisfaction

You probably will not be able to do a regular NaNo and this, so I don't suggest it. However, it would be great if you judge for you to be a NaNoer.

No. Noone is both a player and a judge.But you can be.
Last edited by Uncle Xyzzy on Sun Oct 23, 2005 11:52 pm, edited 12 times in total.

Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:15 pm

I guess I'll join as a player, may turn judge later though, depends on if I think of a plot.

Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:26 pm

Awww, I'd really like to join, but unfortunately my yearly exams happen to be in the middle of November! :x

Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:06 pm

I can't join because I want to do normal nano :( . Well, Tested, good luck with your game =D.

Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:37 am


You can use your regular NaNo for this game! If you don't want someone else continuing your novel, just tell us. You're novel can be your own, personal writing piece.

And remember, you can be a judge if you don't have as much time. All that requires is reading entries and having them scored in three days. You can skim to an extent in this position, as long as "skimming" to you isn't "read chapter tiles".

Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:38 pm

Just read the rules, and I'd love to be a judge . . . I have a NaNo, just started b/c I just heard of it . . . :D

BTW:: my NaNo is paperfacesX022, also

Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:22 pm

I'd like to sign up please, I really enjoy writing and I'm doing regular Nano too. I might write different or the same, most probably the same. I might add video games too, like Legend of Zelda!

Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:41 pm

Could I possibly request that it is held in another month? My reasoning is that I would absolutely love to participate, but I want to focus my energy on the real NaNo, as my creative juices with explode if I try and attempt two.

Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:21 pm

Anubis wrote:Could I possibly request that it is held in another month? My reasoning is that I would absolutely love to participate, but I want to focus my energy on the real NaNo, as my creative juices with explode if I try and attempt two.

I agree. Reading 10, evaluating AND trying to write one might be hard . . . but then again, these are only 5,000 words. Thats much easier than 50,000 . . . I don't know . . .

Thu Oct 20, 2005 12:18 pm

All judge forms should be out soon. Sorry for my lack of punctuality!

And remember, read the ENTIRE rules if you want to play. There have been some people who have probably done this: i.e., poster number seven.

Edit: They should all be out.

Remember, if you don't want to have your story continued, you can play this with your regular story.

Fri Oct 21, 2005 12:28 am

I'll join!

It'll probably be about Final Fantasy 8 or something like that.

Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:06 pm

While I may do this game again another month, the regular NaNo takes place in November. If all goes well, I will hold this game 2-3 times per year. Sorry to all to whom this causes difficulty!

Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:40 pm

So it is going to be in November?
I'll live. I've decided that it would be good, anyway.
Oh, sorry I forgot, but I <3 The Sims. :D

Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:11 am

I've decided to do a regular NaNo, so count me in, but I'll be one of those who doesn't want their stories continued. :)

Sat Oct 22, 2005 1:56 am

paperfacesX022 wrote:So it is going to be in November?
I'll live. I've decided that it would be good, anyway.
Oh, sorry I forgot, but I <3 The Sims. :D

What? You already signed up as a judge. Ah well. I'll just make sure you never judge your own entry!

Here's the scores, Tested: 10, 10, 10, 10.

Yes. It is in November. But I'll do this game in other months, too.

By the way, if we don't get the full 10, the intervals will get longer, and people will simply leave the game less often than every three days.
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