What is this?
There are so many great television quiz shows that I thought it would be a great idea t omerge them all into one competition. As such, those people who sign up will combat each other at some great shows.
What do I need to enter?
THe only think which you really desparately need is an internet cnnection, although many other things will help. I would prefer everyone to have some form of Instant Messenger (I can cope with ICQ, MSN, AIM or YIM). Of course, a good general knowledge and a lot of luck will help.
Are there prizes?
Yes, there will be a grand prize of
25,000NP to the overall winner
as well as the chance to gamble it on a big game final!
How do I sign up?
Fill in the form below and post it. Any Time zone problems can be solved on the
Time Zone Converter.
Name by which you want to be known: This can include a Username, a Nickname or just some quirky thing, like 'peacock' or 'Mr. Snugglebunny'. Each person must have a unique, and easy to remember, one.
Any Instant Messengers: Initially you will be matched with people with the same Instant Messenger as you, so we can have more formal challenges. If you are not willing to release any information about your account on said Instant Messenger, please do not put it here.
Time Zone: Please post it in the format GMT +/- X. You will be matched with people dependant on your time zone in the first stages, so that we can have more formal challenges.
Activity: In General, when can you be online in GMT.
Gender: This is just for any quiz shows which need this information
Favourite Number: This is just for any quiz shows which need this information
Favourite Colour: This is just for any quiz shows which need this information
How many can play?
Any number can play in theory, although I'd like 16 players, wthouhg I can stretch to 20.
Are there any activity constraints?
You need to be online each week for a game. This may not be every week, and the game times will generally be themed around the times you gave on the sign-up form. If you can't make a game, just say, and within reason, I will have to accept all cancellations (i.e. You can cancel all games, but if you miss the first three weeks, then I might start looking for a replacement)
I really do not know how long this will last, but generally there will be two or three games each in the group stages (in groups of 4) and then the top two of each group will go through. The games will not always be 1vs.1, though, but each round, half the people will go through.
Good Luck!
~ Matt
Last edited by
Matt on Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.