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Your first post ?

Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:59 am

What was the first post you ever made on PPT ( least, PPT post crash)

Find out by adding your name to this ... he_dog_god

And going to the last page.

Seeing how the IDB is down currently I thought I'd check out these forums. I see you use the same forums server thingy as NNN used to :P So I shouldn't fiund it too hard to find my way around

Gawd! I was such a nub back then...

*forum server thingy*

Wed Oct 18, 2006 4:08 am

I was tattling on a scammer *so cheeze*
Last edited by stampsyne on Wed Oct 18, 2006 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Oct 18, 2006 4:11 am

yep Mok Tales!

Unreleased stuff :P

Wed Oct 18, 2006 4:33 am

Hey everybody, I'm back after a long wait... None of you remember me? Oh well. Did the forums get erased or something? My account wasn't here when I came back.

Wed Oct 18, 2006 5:02 am

It was in one of the good ole PPTTG topics... I must've taken a break from PPT for a while after the forums got reset.

Wed Oct 18, 2006 5:45 am

The first post-crash was posting lyrics on a "Lyrics To Your Favourite Songs" thread.

Though I vividly remember my first post on PPT was supporting Tails in the very first GameFAQS Summer Character contest.

Wed Oct 18, 2006 6:32 am

I had to sign up so I could join in on the discussion since I've been reading it all the time this past week. :P

Anyhoo, I've been looking at the descriptions of the 3 scrolls that have been found plus today's News about the Sneezles outbreak and have a strong feeling that there is a big huge plot piece in Terror Mountain somewhere. Why? Well...

The Kar scroll says "Here you can take a cool drink" perhaps hinting at the slushie shop. The Nem scroll says "Here you might never be heard from again" and if you read the Snowager's Neopedia entry, it says "Gradolf decided to head back, while Kendrak, undaunted, went forward. He was never heard from again." Not too sure about the Ra scroll but maybe it also has something to do with the Snowager...

The Snowager (TCG) is also under the Lost Desert set. Might be unimportant but you never know.

Oh, and in response to the above posts, the symbol for my statue is also found on my tablet. :D

Wow, kinda a long first post. (Disregard the wacky LDP theory.) Hehe.

Wed Oct 18, 2006 7:50 am

hey, i just joined to say this:

today the card of the day is Princess Amira and under hints and tips it says

Princess Amira is first in line to the throne of Sakhmet City, but so far she just hasn't met the right man.

so... if shes first in line... who is the actual king? or queen?

Ahhh, that was the day, I remember there was quite some discussion about that (well I didn't remember, but I went back a read the topic, and there was). And skynetmain said it was a nice point. I felt/feel so loved...

Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:30 am

well I got the answer right for the blumaroo and didn't get a thing!
I swear I wrote blumaroo superhero shopkeeper! not fair!

anyway I got this one to so maybe now they won't forget me.

Mystery Pic #344. Most of my posts were in help and games

Wed Oct 18, 2006 11:58 am

Your vote has been cast for Blaze_of_snow

Your vote has been cast for Ammersee

Excellent job! Good luck.

I just voted for someone in the beauty contest in Bill.

Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:06 pm

Name: Kaila Smith
Age: 14
Race: Human
Appearance: She has black hair and dark blue eyes. She is tall, and her assrtment of clothes varies from day to day.
History: To be revealed

(I'm feeling the same as Shadowfare... Uninspired. I guess I've gotten a bit rusty. But, I do have internet now, so I can regain my touch. I promised to be back by late July, and I kept my promise!)

I was joining a role play, about a month after the crash happened. So unfortunately you don't get to see my very, very first post... which was probably similar. I can't remember whether I posted anywhere other than the RP board in my early days... I don't think I did. *muses*

Wed Oct 18, 2006 5:04 pm

I don't remember my first post on the old PPT, but here (as far as PPT is concerned)

Shoryu_Lover wrote:Jim: Damn, these hotpants look really good.
.neko.: I am going to be serious today.
Werepup: Heyahyahyahyhayhayhayhay!
Fidds: Posies, kitten and pink laces! Yay!

As soon as you said 'hot pants', you had me thinking Prince!

Sakura: I HATE Draco. Give me the Weasely twins.
Myself: Forget plusONE! TrueVibe is MUCH better! (Yeah, right!)
Dawn: I hate Diana! Please, move her as the 12 finalist!

Wed Oct 18, 2006 5:29 pm

dracir512 wrote:
hey, i just joined to say this:

today the card of the day is Princess Amira and under hints and tips it says

Princess Amira is first in line to the throne of Sakhmet City, but so far she just hasn't met the right man.

so... if shes first in line... who is the actual king? or queen?

Ahhh, that was the day, I remember there was quite some discussion about that (well I didn't remember, but I went back a read the topic, and there was). And skynetmain said it was a nice point. I felt/feel so loved...

Your welcome :)

My first:
I just joined this thing so I could help out here since I still have one week 'til class starts.

I have a couple working theories about this 'puzzle'. It seems too easy to be true. The riddle and library are the only hard parts. The whole tablet and temple bit is super easy. That could have been put up just so that we go through a million pages and give the sponsors a million views. Sure it is all connected, but it still costs money to run the site. (It is still the funnest puzzle I've run into on the site since I joined).

Second, the ease of the tablet and the games we play may just be to help tell players that these games are out there. Sure many of us go to them all the time, but some of the newer players may not know they are there. It is a great way to introduce players to the site and show people the ropes.

Third, there has to be something after all of this. If the TCG cards are any clue, there is easily another war coming. The temple is a great sidequest to help promote everything that will follow and will probably help in the wat some how. I just hope they have a support role like last time.

Phew! That was a lot to get off the chest.

Yep. I was a massive LDP-er too... like anyone that followed the discussion here didn't know that... I apologize for how many of you I drove insane with all my craziness, but I stand by it to this very day.

I leave you with this:
Why did Amira cross the road?
To get Sekhmet pulled into another plane of existance because she is too much of a prude to marry the creepy guy with glowing eyes, but is not a Goa'uld or the loveable, Lupe sidekick to her long-lost sister before causing an unspeakable evil from beyond the grave to awaken a threaten to destroy all of Neopia, by which I mean Anubis Toxicology Reports and not Razul because we all know and love our Anubis Toxicology.

Doesn't that sum up most of the plot? :D

Wed Oct 18, 2006 6:15 pm

Hello, I would like to introduce myself as Pixa. I am a Neopets enthusaist who spends most of the time collecting avatars (currently at 151, newest is Ace Zafara) and running my guild. In my spare time on Neopets, I enjoy restocking and browsing through the Neoboards. I have been browsing the forum for about a week now and I hope I enjoy my time here.

:P And those were the days... where... things happened... I suppose?

Wed Oct 18, 2006 6:25 pm

Jasujo wrote:It looks very good. :) I'm the second to the right of the "2004", right after ahoteinrun. :) Who's dog is that, btw? Or is the dog a member, like the dog in Geneshaft? If so, I appologize if I offended you. Send me a PM and I'll treat you to Kibbles sometime. ;)

lol It was in the PPT Collage 2004 thread the day the forums came back. :)
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