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Explain your username.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:59 am

I've seen quite a few odd usernames here, and I was wondering what the motivation was behind creating your username.

Mine derives from the fact that I am an absolute dog lover. I can't remember any section of my life where I have been dogless for more than a fortnight. Because I have two dogs, I wanted to somehow put that into my username, and reversing the word dog seemed to work for me.

My alter-ego (AKA : My other username I use at different forums such as Randomness) "Krabbz" comes from the name of my pet at the IDB forums. Before I came to PPT, I was an avid IDBer and had a pet whose species was called "Krab", so I called my pet "Krabbz". When I temporarily "quit" IDB, I sold my pet "Krabbz", and, in rememberance, named the next forum account I created "Krabbz"

Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:13 am

My username is parcially based on my cat, who is unfortunately named Foodstamps. Stamper and Syne (it's a real dictionary word. Really!). Yay!

Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:49 am

Mine had to be a cooler better version of Noo.. hehehe - good times...

Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:38 pm

I was totally obsessed with the word 'Hikaru' from Magic Knight Rayearth and Angelic Layer, and named the character I made Hikaru.
My usernames were all originally 'hikaru shine' as 'hikaru' means 'shine'. But then I made my big PPT mistake (It's probably somewhere on the first post thread) and had to make a new username.
I thought and thought, and remembered that I liked the kanji 'dream'.
'Shining Dream' did sound pretty good to me so....... :lol:

Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:49 pm

I am a huge Stephen King fan and Susannahmio is the name of a character from The Dark Tower series. Her name is Susannah but when she gets possesed by a spirit named Mia, she is called "Susannahmio, Divided girl of mine"

I now use this name everywhere.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:08 pm

When I was 12 or so, I was very into the musical Cats(don't hate me for it). I wrote some very bad fanfiction based on it, and one of my characters was a Mary Sue named Moongewl. Eventually, when I stopped using a variation on my favorite character's name, I switched to Moongewl as my username on Cats forums and such. Now Moongewl is my name most places, as I'm too set in my ways to try and remember a new name.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:53 pm

Alex is my name.

'nuff said.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:19 pm

I like siouxper because I like the North Dakota Sioux. I use it everywhere: PPT, Neoitems, Neopets, AIM (Except it has a 3 at the end), the Brown Grundo named Siouxper, Avatar.Starried.Net, PPT Avatarlog, PPT Trophy Thingy (If it ever got activated because I kept getting an error message when logging in), etc.

And no, I do not live in North Dakota.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:23 pm

A bit of irony in this story. I needed a name for a character, and I was having namer's block, so for the time being, I rearranged "temporary". It stuck. :P

When I joined Neopets for the first time, I wanted to make my username "friend". Needless to say, it was taken. :P Vethie told me my pstarword had to be five letters, so I put it as 55555, but she said it couldn't be numbers, so I put that on my username, and it was "friend55555". Later on, I got a second account, and I made it "friend5555" (how creative.) Then I wanted to make my third "friend555", but it was taken, so I made it "friends555". I joined PPT with that username, but then I added a dot to the beginning to cheat the alphabetical list system. :P

Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:26 pm

I'm just a big dork. My boyfriend calls me his 'lil bear'. :)
This is the only place I use it though.

Mosy forums and things I use the name 'oleanderkittie'. Oleander is a band, and I like cats. Simple enough.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 4:25 pm

My bestest friend in the whole world was RPing Skippy Squirrel (from Animaniacs) on some MUCK somewhere, and I wanted to be just like him -- so I chose another peanut butter and created Jiffy Squirrel. =)

Link for the non-regional. 8)

Mon Oct 23, 2006 5:21 pm

hikaru_dream wrote:I was totally obsessed with the word 'Hikaru' from Magic Knight Rayearth...

That explains why I kept thinking you were like her :P (Preferred Fuu himself).

SkyNetMain is not a Terminator reference (despite me liking the movies, even though they scared the crap out of me :P [still not voting for him though]). It wasn't until years after thinking it that I heard the first Terminator references. In reality, the name is from an abandoned character in the stoies that I write. It was the persona of the computer system that many people interacted with.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:08 pm

I ripped Medli straight from the girl in Zelda: Wind Waker. :P Kitten because.. I love my kitty.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:06 pm

I have always been a fan of llamas ever since it was an inside joke with an IRC buddy I had over ten years ago. When Emperor's New Groove came out, I was ecstatic and found the movie to be delightfully hilarious. So...

Kuzco: Ahh! My face! My beautiful, beautiful face! I'm an ugly, stinky llama! Wah-hah-hah! Llama face!

...that's where I got "stinkyllama" :P

Most of my other usernames elsewhere are either stinkyllama17 or ddw17, with 17 being my fav number and the letters being my initials.

Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:18 pm

Well, I guess I'm not really anymore, but I used to be really small for my age(plus I'm young for my grade, so I was even smaller in comparison to the people around me). Thus, pipsqueak. I'm not sure why I decided to spell it with three "e"s. I think I just felt like being different.
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