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WW 24: Altar of Champions

Sat Mar 24, 2007 12:49 am

For dead and non-playing.

Really? =/ Sorry Pixa, but you should have replied to my PM asking if you would be right to continue when you got on earlier.

Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:12 am

:P Yeah, I guess. I always seem to read my PMs in the morning and then reply to them later at night. Actually, I always send PMs at night. They're on my mental to-do list before I go to bed, though sometimes I'm not fortunate enough to remember, heh.

Sat Mar 24, 2007 9:14 am

HA! TOLD YOU SO! *Does the 'Told You So' dance*
Anyway, I basically stated EVERYTHING about my role and what I learned on my last post, so I can talk about it here!

Right now, I think Apex should be killed next.

Pironious, I didn't send a list for Night 2 because I got chucked off the computer while I was doing it, and I didn;t send a night list for tonight because I couldn't use my powers, and I personally don't see the point in sending in a list that will definately be ignored.

PS: I thought an execution was by a majority?

Sat Mar 24, 2007 9:21 am

Oh right, you were stunned xD I forgot. Yeah, nvm. ^-^; I wouldn't have marked it against you when calculating cause I do check all those things then.

And no, execution isn't majority, it's Plurality. Did I write majority somewhere by mistake? o.o; (and by write, I mean forget to edit out from stolen signups, because my games are never majority)

Sat Mar 24, 2007 9:45 am

Pironious wrote:Oh right, you were stunned xD I forgot. Yeah, nvm. ^-^; I wouldn't have marked it against you when calculating cause I do check all those things then.

And no, execution isn't majority, it's Plurality. Did I write majority somewhere by mistake? o.o; (and by write, I mean forget to edit out from stolen signups, because my games are never majority)

I don;t think you did write Majority, it's just basically every single game of WW in the past few years has been majority, so I assumed this game was the same. But if it's plurality that's fine then. :)

EDIT: I'm just gonna make thios as clear as possible.


Oh, and revive me. kthxbai

Sat Mar 24, 2007 4:59 pm

Pironious wrote:And no, execution isn't majority, it's Plurality. Did I write majority somewhere by mistake? o.o; (and by write, I mean forget to edit out from stolen signups, because my games are never majority)

Oh! That is going to make this a very fun one to watch. Go plurality!

Sat Mar 24, 2007 7:36 pm

I would just like to say, THANK YOU MISSY!!!

Much kisses! Oh, and if anyone has an item that is something to do with Storm, Fire or Earth, please contact me (once I'm rezzed obviously :P)

EDIT: Penguin, your post makes no sense in any human means of the word.

EDIT2: The reason I was urging people to vote for Apex is that he voted for me after I revealed my role, and hoped his vote would get me killed. That coupled with his evilness of last game makes me VERY suspicious of him.

Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:04 pm


*drums fingers ominously*

You know, you really should rez me.

Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:51 pm

Innocents seem to be relying way too much on insubstantial evidence.

Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:20 pm

Hey guys my role was innocent, and I can be very hlpful so if you can rez me itll be in the innocents best intrest

Edit:Wasn't I ethereal when I died? How is that possible?

Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:14 pm

I died.. WOE is me.. ermm resurrection if possible please?!?! So to the people which I was in contact with before I died; consult the information I gave you. Tanner you need to die!!!

Gah; it is so hard not to say things.. blerghie blergh gah.. bah humbug.. Hmm; what kind of food are the erm dead people.. the corpses being offered? If any? Hmm.. asparagus sounds yummy.. although it isn't exactly a breakfast food.

Penguin; that is quite odd.. it doesn't quite look like you should've died. Unless of course being Ethereal wears off at the beginning of the next night.

Oka; I had meant WHOA; as in whoa I didn't exactly expect to die this past night. I thought I still had a few nights to live. :cry:

Okay, so the past three nights have seen the loss of three Night Elves. I would advise those of you who are left to try and keep that information controlled! Obviously The Burning Legion is going after, and will continue to go after the Night Elves. Resurrection please?!?!

Sat Mar 31, 2007 12:22 am


I have an EXTREMELY useful one-use skill, plus two other very useful powers.

Sat Mar 31, 2007 12:41 am



Sat Mar 31, 2007 3:22 am

don't rez me..

Rofl. Uh, at least we actually have people dead now? xD

Sat Mar 31, 2007 6:26 pm

Roxas_X wrote:
Ixist wrote:Right, I kow of Me, Pickles, Miyu, Missy!, LovioNeko & Kugetsu

I know of me, Mjrinella, Oka, Pickles, Noo, Ric, Missy!, Xyzzy and Dyl.

And you know of me too, Ixist. <_<

I'm dead.
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