For those topics one could describe as the forum equivalent of a twinkie. Word games, forum contests and giveaways are all the rage here.
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Yazuka! (sign ups)

Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:59 am

Yazuka's a bit like the game Mafia. okay, it is mafia. but Japanese names > normal names so now it's called Yazuka.

Okay, first of all, there are four roles (let's keep it simple):
-God (me): moderator. I don't play, I PM people and other moderish stuff.
-The Yazuka (3): Oh noes! t3h brutal stabbings!! the Yazuka try to kill at least 7 innocents before they all get killed.
-The Angel (1): Tries to learn who the Yazuka are. GO ANGEL!!!1
-The Townspeople (8): Get brutal stabbing'd and try to hang all the Yazuka
IMPORTANT: you can say whatever you want about your or other roles, but no forwarding PMs (can you do that?). lying is allowed and encouraged.

The structure:
-Night (1 day): the Yazuka, through PMs, agree on a victim and tell me. Then the angel, also through PM, tells me who (s)he wants to know about. I tell h(er)im (sp?) whether that person's a Yazuka.
-Morning (1 post): I tell everyone who the Yazuka killed.
-Day (3 days): Everyone, including the angel and Yazuka, votes on someone to hang. (please us bold to indicate the name)
-Afternoon (1 post): If a majority of the people want to kill someone, (s)he dies. H(er)is role is revealed.
-Night again
IMPORTANT: if someone doesn't vote, after the 3 days we move on w/o them. if an angel or yazuka doesn't send me mail, they have a 48 hour grace period before we replace them and start over. if they delay more than 24 hours, 3 times, they get replaced.

Now, signups. when we have 12 ppl we'll begin:


Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:06 am

...Is this a ScottNak approved game, and he was just pulling my leg when he said he'd get back to me? Or is it... not?

Either way, I'm in.

A 12-player game is a nice thing indeed. At some point I need to find a venue for Endless Werewolf, where you just have a set list of roles and people get random roles upon signing up. It's loads of fun, but it's hard to find a willing mod...

Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:26 am

This seems very similar to a game of Werewolf (in the sense it is a game of Werewolf, just named differently)

Currently at PinkPT, we have the resident Werewolf controller ScottNak who is in charge of forum Werewolf. In order to start games, you should have his permission.

As there is currently several people waiting to host a game of Werewolf, and this seems as if it hasn't been run past ScottNak first, I'm going to lock this for now. If you PM ScottNak and he lets you run the game, then this will be unlocked, but as it stands currently, I don't think its fair for you to be able to jump the queue like this.

Sorry about this, you probably didn't realise due to the lack of Werewolf games here recently, but we do have a process to be followed.


TDG - Your friendly neighbourhood moderator :D
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