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WW36: Valinor (Dead Thread)

Sat Nov 01, 2008 3:15 am

Welcome to Valinor! If you have been killed, or are not playing and wish to comment, this is the place for you.

1. You may not reveal anything that was not stated openly on the game thread.
2. You may not reveal anything from a PM with any players you had while you were alive.
3. You may not PM (or contact) players still alive in regards to the game.
4. You may not quote PMs or private conversations. You may quote from this thread or from the game thread.

Please keep in mind that there is the possibility of being brought back to life by one of the players still there. If this happens, you will be PMed to let you know, and you may go back to the game.
Please also remember that WW involves many attacks and frequent lying. Please do not take it personally if you are killed or if someone lies to you about their role.

Please post on this thread if you would like to be a replacement player.

Replacement Players:

Re: WW36: Valinor (Dead Thread)

Sat Nov 01, 2008 3:53 am

Well if that isn't just a kittens ball of suck. This game was looking to be good, as well.

Re: WW36: Valinor (Dead Thread)

Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:42 am

I cursed out loud when I read this... really, I did. What? Death in Night 1 in my first game, and in Night 2 in my second one? How many games do I have to play before I get a shot at a halfway decent game? And no Pickles & Averly, this is nothing directed at you, the set-up was great, I just mean how many games do I have to play to stay alive for a bit?

*stomps of muttering under his breath*

Nah, it's alright... have fun. I guess the fact that everyone was told who I was means I have no chance of getting resurrected, rez-ban or not?

Re: WW36: Valinor (Dead Thread)

Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:20 pm

Pardona wrote:I guess the fact that everyone was told who I was means I have no chance of getting resurrected, rez-ban or not?
Actually, no. Unless there is a rez-ban specifically stated (as in Anvil's case), you have the chance of being resurrected. :)

Re: WW36: Valinor (Dead Thread)

Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:43 am


*pokes Anvil* >:3

Re: WW36: Valinor (Dead Thread)

Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:41 am

*Burns Dyl in a pit of lava* I HATE YOU ;___________________________;

Re: WW36: Valinor (Dead Thread)

Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:47 pm

And here I thought Mongrel had posted an admission of being evil. Even the kill method...


Re: WW36: Valinor (Dead Thread)

Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:58 pm

Regan wrote:
Siniri wrote:Why are all the Hobbitses dying? They're supposed to be good at hiding.

At least we will have Merry *huggles*

And Sam? What about brave Master Samwise?

Re: WW36: Valinor (Dead Thread)

Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:29 am

I'm rather valuable if anyone wanted to rez me. Wish I had gotten on earlier though.

Re: WW36: Valinor (Dead Thread)

Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:54 pm

Sigh another hobbitt down. Hang in there any remaining hobbits. Moonie if you are the one who killed me I'll welcome seeing you over here soon :)

Re: WW36: Valinor (Dead Thread)

Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:30 am

Y'all executed the rezzer for not bandwagoning :) See what bandwagons get you?

Re: WW36: Valinor (Dead Thread)

Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:18 pm

I must agree with Moonie, evil though she was. Not a good move innocents, having the governor kill the resser. In the meantime I'd suggest someone check out Nikita, this is based only on my observations of the game thread. I noticed a lack of people being terrified when Ella was having internet problems and the being terrified has now resumed with there being a replacement player. To me terrifying people seems like an evil thing to do but I could be wrong.

Edited to say: Congratulations pardona. I hope you stay alive for a bit longer this time so you can figure out how the game is played.

Re: WW36: Valinor (Dead Thread)

Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:00 pm


The innocents killed me?
wow. and i had y'know proven my role and everything.

>.< and in a few more days i was going to tell people of a baddie that i knew of...
Yup. thats right. i had...sketchy info :O

Re: WW36: Valinor (Dead Thread)

Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:14 am

I hate you all. :)

Re: WW36: Valinor (Dead Thread)

Sat Nov 08, 2008 4:16 am

Not too surprising -- if you want to stay alive, don't get too chatty on-thread. I got a lot done for the innocents today, though. Honestly, my death probably won't matter at all, so I'm glad it was me and not... well, you know who you are.

ETA: Regan, I've been suspecting for days there might be a mole in the innocents -- or the baddie teams are all cooperating. It's amazing that none of them have hit each other at all, and only innocents are killed each night. In my case, though, I think I was a fairly obvious target. Pardona, on the other hand... I guess you just can't stay alive in WW! Did someone tape a "kick me" sign to your back or something?
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