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Free items for the good girls and boys of neopia

Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:33 am

I'm usually always in a giving mood around Christmas. I'm not announcing a giveaway due to neopet rules, but I'm saying I might be (hint hint) giving away some items Christmas eve to everyone. Items can range from toys/codestones/faeries/petpets/MAYBE paintbrushes/and lots of other Christmas items. I'm not scamming anyone I'm not asking for passwords or donations or anything in return. To receive your presents on Christmas eve night/Christmas morning, simply reply or private message me your neo user name (so i know where to send the items) and a wishlist with a few things. I can't promise everyone will be gettin what that ask for, due to the fact I'm sure most responses will say a paintbrush well worth a few million, but I can say everyone would alteast get a few toys or somethings listed from the above. Also, check the ppt chat as I will be on there throughout the next few days before Christmas and I might (notice I can't say i will be due to neopets rules against give aways) be asking Christmas questions and handing out items to people who can help me with the answers (example: what are the names of santas reindeer). The only thing I ask as that once Christmas is over since you'll have my user name, please do not beg or ask for other items after you recieve your items. I'm giving alot away as it is so let's not get greedy.


The Santa Clause of Neopia

Re: Free items for the good girls and boys of neopia

Fri Dec 19, 2008 8:28 am

Watch out boys and girls for Santa's Clause. It's legally binding.

Re: Free items for the good girls and boys of neopia

Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:21 pm

Christopher wrote:Watch out boys and girls for Santa's Clause. It's legally binding.

I love you.


NeoSantaClause wrote:I'm usually always in a giving mood around Christmas. I'm not announcing a giveaway due to neopet rules, but I'm saying I might be (hint hint) giving away some items Christmas eve to everyone.

It's against Neo rules to hold giveaways? Since when?

(P.S.: dottie6644 plz. Thanks Santy. < 33)

Re: Free items for the good girls and boys of neopia

Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:01 am

Christmas is coming quickly! I've already packed up a bunch of presents to hand out. And why doesn't anyone use to ppt chat box? I've been going on there to try to ask some trivia questions but no one ever seems to be on.... Hmm...

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night

The Santa Clause of Neopia

Re: Free items for the good girls and boys of neopia

Sun Dec 21, 2008 6:17 am

Because all the cool people hang out here on the forums ;)

Re: Free items for the good girls and boys of neopia

Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:46 pm

Yep ;) the REAL PPTers hang out here instead.
So.. Santa Clause - I've been a good boy! lol :P

Re: Free items for the good girls and boys of neopia

Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:51 am

Well Blue Meanie/Glove/Yellow Submarine... I guess you have a good point. Since all the cool people hang out on the forums rather than the chat box, the first person to reply the correct answer to THIS forum (no private messages that way its fair to everyone to see who wrote the answer first) will receive one of the following prizes of their choice.

a)set of codestones
b) set of faeries
c)random winter petpet

What are the names of Santa's 9 reindeer?

Re: Free items for the good girls and boys of neopia

Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:17 am

(and don't forget Olive!)

Re: Free items for the good girls and boys of neopia

Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:19 am

Very good Zilary! What prize would you like to claim and I'm going to need a neoname to send it to. If you don't feel comfortable posting your user name in the forum you can private message it to me if you like.

Merry Christmas,
The Santa Clause of Neopia

Re: Free items for the good girls and boys of neopia

Mon Dec 22, 2008 3:07 am

Thanks, NeoSantaClause! My pet will really enjoy training with the codestones!

Re: Free items for the good girls and boys of neopia

Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:51 am

Siniri wrote:Dasher
(and don't forget Olive!)

(Olive, the Other Reindeer = Christmas tradition)
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