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Minority Rules Five - Winner announced!

Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:35 pm

Yay,another round of this crazy fun game!

Rules to Minority Rules:
1. To join the game, sign up in this thread AND send me a PM with 1 to 3 questions as well as their two-answer responses (see below). You will begin the game with 0 points, and gain 1 point for submitting your questions.
2. Every day, I will post a question on the thread. The question will only have two possible answers (yes/no, pandas/penguins, etc...). Questions will be randomly selected.
3. All players still in the game will have to PM me their answer to the question. Deadline for answers is 8pm NST (11pm EST), if you don't get your PM in by then you'll lose a point (you will receive a one-round grace period where no points will be lost). If someone reaches -3 points, they will be eliminated. The new question will be posted shortly after. If all PMs are in, the new question may be posted early, but the deadline will still be the same time next day.
4. After tallying the votes, the people who chose the least popular answer will gain one point. So if 7 people answer "no" and 4 people answer "yes", all those who answered "yes" will gain one point. In case of a tie, the round will be voided, and no points will be awarded.
5. There is no Rule 5. EVER.
6. If you are a sole minority, you will gain an additional point.
7. You're welcome to discuss the current and past rounds in the thread, in PMs, emails, chats, whatever. You can form alliances with other people, share your answers, lie about what you're going to answer, bribe others with brownies etc. You can do pretty much anything short of life threats.
8. The first player to 5 points wins. If two (or more) people reach 5 points concurrently, we'll go into sudden death overtime -- more rounds will be held (with all players) until a clear winner is decided (but only those who have remained tied for first place will be eligible to win).

Current Players:
loser: 5 (WINNER!)
pipsqueeek: 3
Siniri: 3
YesItIsh: 1
Pardona: -3Eliminated
(Pixa): -3 Eliminated
StuMan: -2 Forfeited

( ) = Need to send in questions

You now have 3 days to answer the questions.
Last edited by Zilary on Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:19 pm, edited 20 times in total.

Re: Minority Rules Five - SIGN UPS OPEN!

Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:49 pm

I shall attempt to sign up and attempt to remember every day. :(

Re: Minority Rules Five - SIGN UPS OPEN!

Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:56 pm

I'm in. Look out, Pipsqueeek and loser; I'm gonna go game theory jedi on you (although I doubt trash talking will help me win...)!

Re: Minority Rules Five - SIGN UPS OPEN!

Sun Jan 18, 2009 4:21 pm

The game. I joins it. (And I lost it :( )
I think if we can get anyone that isn't pip to win, we should be ok.

Re: Minority Rules Five - SIGN UPS OPEN!

Sun Jan 18, 2009 4:51 pm



Re: Minority Rules Five - SIGN UPS OPEN!

Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:37 pm

I should just not play and trash all your dreams of beating me :)

... but no. It's fun. I'm playing.

Re: Minority Rules Five - SIGN UPS OPEN!

Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:35 am

Ooh, I'll join. xD This might be fun if I remember to check this.

Re: Minority Rules Five - SIGN UPS OPEN!

Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:27 am

sign me please. I will post questions tomoz after work.

Re: Minority Rules Five - SIGN UPS OPEN!

Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:03 am

Zilary wrote:When PPT is down, neomail the answer to me at fat_p3ngu1n.

Une Problema. Loser doesn't neo the pets anymore.

Re: Minority Rules Five - SIGN UPS OPEN!

Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:40 am

Zilary stumbles into the room late after watching a bootlegged version of 'Twilight' (for kicks and giggles of course). Apologizing for the tardiness (and perhaps laying her eyes on the movie), she spins in a circle then throws the microphone at Pardona.

He clears his throat and announces, "It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

What is a grue?

That's not a question!"

PM me your answer by Thursday, 11 PM EST (or 8 PM NST)...approximately.

This is the grace round btw, so if you missed answering this no points will be deducted. You can still sign up until when tomorrow's round end. If you have not send me your questions, do so ASAP!

Re: Minority Rules Five - QUESTION 1

Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:49 am

Yay for PPT being up. And yay for this game finally starting. Boo for Pardona for making me read about light-fearing monsters right before lights' out... Oh, crap, did I just answer the non-question?

Re: Minority Rules Five - QUESTION 1

Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:47 pm

*checks watch*

Hmm, it's about that time. And hooray, forums are up again! (...for now). Anyway, onto the results. This week we had the attempt to be eaten by grue. Whether the minority of our contestants the questioned the statement or stated a question will be revealed. Loser, our previous winner, ponders, "is it like a puppy?" I personally thought it was more similar to the mysterious sludge they served at my high school lunch line.

Nonetheless, the results:

That's not a question! - [3] Siniri, pipsqueeek, StuMan
What is a grue? - [2] YesItIsh, loser

Did not submit an answer: Pixa and Pardona...maybe they SHOULD be eaten by gruel. Fortunately, it is the grace round an no penalty points will be given. But after this, beware!


YesItIsh steps up to the plate, holding two cages. She unveils each cage and asks:

Which chinchilla do you prefer?

Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:

PM Answer by Friday, 11 PM EST (8 PM NST).

Re: Minority Rules Five - QUESTION 2

Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:19 am

Sorry, for double posting but every time I tried to hit "submit" today for editing the above post, it gives me a blank screen and never posts. So pretend below is the bottom part of the post above.

[quote=above post]PM Answer by Friday, 11 PM EST (8 PM NST).[/quote]

EDIT: (I tried posting this earlier and thought it went through, but I guess it didn't). Due to the instability of the forum, I am going to change the time to about 3 days depending on when PPT is down. If by 11 PM EST each night the forum is down on the third night, assume it will be posted the next day (and so forth until the forum is up). Sorry for the inconveniences.

This round ends Monday 11 PM EST (8 PM NST) as of now.

Re: Minority Rules Five - QUESTION 2

Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:07 am

*sneaks on PPT*

Hmm, seems rather stable now. I might as well post up results. (And I apologize for TRIPLE posting even...but due to my editing of posts not going through, sorry)

So which few of the members chose the cutest of the vermins?
Loser mumbles, "Exshhibit A."
"BBBBBBBB!" YesItIsh pushes her aside.
Siniri just reasons with her person life experience of a roommate's bunny having a liking for a brand of cereal and indifferently chooses one for she had lost this game thrice already.

Which would it B? or A?

Exhibit A - [2] pipsqueeek, loser
Exhibit B - [3] Siniri, YesItIsh, StuMan

Did not submit - Pardona, Pixa (both lose 1 point).


While stabilizing herself on the shaky ground of PPT forums, she tosses the mic at loser. Holding on to a nearby chinchilla eating gruel, she questions:

When I say "opposite of old", you think: young or new?

Answers are due Thursday, January 28 at 11 PM EST (8 PM NST)...unless forums become inaccessible at that time, so you know the drill.

Re: Minority Rules Five - QUESTION 3

Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:09 am

I don't get it. I could have been in the majority either way. It was a lose lose isn't working for me.
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