Yay,another round of this crazy fun game!
Rules to Minority Rules:
1. To join the game, sign up in this thread AND send me a PM with 1 to 3 questions as well as their two-answer responses (see below). You will begin the game with 0 points, and gain 1 point for submitting your questions.
2. Every day, I will post a question on the thread. The question will only have two possible answers (yes/no, pandas/penguins, etc...). Questions will be randomly selected.
3. All players still in the game will have to PM me their answer to the question.
Deadline for answers is 8pm NST (11pm EST), if you don't get your PM in by then you'll lose a point (you will receive a one-round grace period where no points will be lost). If someone reaches -3 points, they will be eliminated. The new question will be posted shortly after. If all PMs are in, the new question may be posted early, but the deadline will still be the same time next day.
4. After tallying the votes, the people who chose the least popular answer will gain one point. So if 7 people answer "no" and 4 people answer "yes", all those who answered "yes" will gain one point. In case of a tie, the round will be voided, and no points will be awarded.
5. There is no Rule 5. EVER.
6. If you are a sole minority, you will gain an additional point.
7. You're welcome to discuss the current and past rounds in the thread, in PMs, emails, chats, whatever. You can form alliances with other people, share your answers, lie about what you're going to answer, bribe others with brownies etc. You can do pretty much anything short of life threats.
8. The first player to 5 points wins. If two (or more) people reach 5 points concurrently, we'll go into sudden death overtime -- more rounds will be held (with all players) until a clear winner is decided (but only those who have remained tied for first place will be eligible to win).
Current Players:loser: 5 (WINNER!)
pipsqueeek: 3
Siniri: 3
YesItIsh: 1
Pardona: -3Eliminated
(Pixa): -3 Eliminated
StuMan: -2 Forfeited
( ) = Need to send in questions
You now have 3 days to answer the questions.
Last edited by
Zilary on Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:19 pm, edited 20 times in total.