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Topic locked

Petpage contest (The other one was locked)

Fri Oct 08, 2004 2:22 am

Not sure WHY it was locked, Someone posted about set contests going in the set request boards, but it wasnt a set request 0.o Sorry If I made a mistake yet again. I am even contimplating leaving, I'm just not cut out for this board...:(

Not sure if this goes here but There wasnt a contest board or anything.

I need two petpage's. I WOULD like frames but I'm not sure if TNT lets you use that.

Just fill out this form if you want to participate (winning gets you a banner and 4000 neopoints, sorry but I only have 8000, plus you get mentioned for designing it.)


Your idea for the design:

Will you be able to neomail me the code or will it have to be done over email?:

Uni page or Wocky page?:

The wockys page is for screenies
The uni's page is for Graphics. (Glitternames, ect)

Fri Oct 08, 2004 2:45 am

It was locked because you cannot have more than one of ANY kind of request. :)


You can't have a graphic contest for yourself and also have a blinkie requested.

Second of all, don't leave the forum, we all make mistakes. I know they make you feel dumb because I've made a few, and even a recent one, and I've been here over a year. So don't sweat it, the Moderators aren't out to get you.. its me they want.. kidding. :)

As for your petpage, it may be easier to go to Petcare's ( ) petpage maker and just request a banner the right size for the code from somebody once your set is done. :)

Fri Oct 08, 2004 3:05 am

True, these forums may seem a bit strict and forbidding to the average forumer, but you'll soon get used to it.

This is the right board to post graphic-making contests, though.

Fri Oct 08, 2004 3:22 am

Then why was it locked the last time? 0.o Anyways, I dont just want a banner, I want everything, just to clarify, I would like frames. Would any of you guys make it for me?

Fri Oct 08, 2004 3:31 am

You requested on Alex's board then made this. Thats why it was locked.

I wish I could make something for you, but I can't since I don't know how. I'm sorry. :(

EDIT: By the way, I know you don't just want a banner, thats why I directed you to Petcare. If you put in a banner URL and choose the color you want then you get a layout instantly. :)

Fri Oct 08, 2004 3:46 am

Oh, well that wasnt working, I didnt have anything that had to do with banner colors or anything, it also had an error message at the top of the page. I wasnt REQUESTING the same thing. I asked for a SIGGY from Alex. Then I made a post for a CONTEST where the one to make me the best PETPAGE would win.

Just to be clear, basically I posted my post on the wrong board (general board) So it was moved to the contest board.
Then I think they edited the title and called to attention that I double posted or something? Maybe went off topic?

Then I made another board (Because the first one was long gone, no longer on the front page), take note that I noticed all this an hour or so ago, after logging back on.
Well, they locked the second one, and then I was like, "Well no big deal, I could always just use the other, maybe bump it, if thats alowwed."

THEN, when I went to check on the first board, I saw one new post, someone basically telling me to take this to the sets request board, and I was going to reply to them saying I wasnt asking for a set, but I noticed it said this one was locked aswell!

I'm just stressed. :cry:

Fri Oct 08, 2004 3:49 am

I understand what you are saying, but the rule applies for all graphics. I know its confusing, but don't stress over it.

You know what, you're better of PMing Marissa or someone like that to answer your question. :)

Fri Oct 08, 2004 5:13 pm

Perhaps maybe you can try open requests once Alex is done. I'm sure SOMEONE will take your request. :)

Mon Oct 25, 2004 4:53 am

Ok, STILL none has volunteered to do it. Anyone?
Topic locked