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Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:00 am

ScottNak enters the castle's main hallroom and begins to speak, "I hope you guys get used to the castle-ish nature... just don't get lost. Its a big castle..."

VOTES wrote:Gundam_kola01- 21 vote: Dawn2, jellyoflight, Ixistant, Puck102701, Lass, Matt, Alisquid, dM was on fire!, flatluigi, Wind, Shadowfare, Alex, o_0, Raze, AutumnElf, warxelo, Ammer, _jaye_, meowth1982, stephanie, white_wolf

Okamotosan18-1 vote: Twinkle,
Dawn2- 1 vote: Gundam_kola01
HoroHoro- 1 vote: Kidwaiy,
Raze- 1 vote: Kugetsu
Urthdigger- 1 vote: Nikita
Xil- 1 vote: Twizzler0171

39 people are playing.
50% = 20 votes is majority.

"And you just joined the group too. What a pity... But you have been chosen for execution" Scott raises his newly polished green gun and presents it to the crowd.

"Now, killing you with a gun... would be so modern. We're in meridell right? We have an executioner in here that can do the exact same thing! Just in the medieval mood."

Scott calls out a masked man, who brings out a guillotine as well. Scott places gundam's body in the appropriate spot, and asks "Any last words?"

gundam_kola01 stares silently and sighs. Scott gives the signal. And as the blade falls, bright and tiny wings sprout from his back. The blade falls down and lops his head off into the wicker basket.

Scott searches the body and brings back a parchment and reads it to the crowd.

Your role for this game is: CHERUB
Victory: Defeat all baddies.

Here is what you can do-
1. Every EVEN Night you may dream about 1 person to see if they are a Wolf/Mafia. Send me a list of 5 names on it, whoever is on top (and still alive) will be dreamt of. I will tell you WHICH baddie that person is if he/she is a baddie (Wolf or Mafia).

"Ooh... not good. I'll see you guys later tonight. Excuse me while i put his head on a pike..."

I have a lot of thigns to sort through at night... Night may be pushed back later.

However, all lists are due BEFORE 6:30.

Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:04 am


There goes one of our important people, not that we had any way of telling or anything. *sigh* This looks like another game 2 to me... We're in for a LONG ride again...
Last edited by Kugetsu on Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:04 am


It's the angel curse! It's ALWAYS the angels! (well, cherub this time)

Waaah! :cry:

Glad i didn't vote for them....

Gee, Hyper, myself, now gundam...

We're in for it...

Gundam! Tell us next time! We could've kept you alive at least a while longer....

Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:05 am

Eeeeeeeeeepppppp.......that's even better than the mystic/angel/whatever........

At least now we know there are mafias and werewolves in the game. Haha. Of course.

Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:06 am

Argh! Stupid bandwagon! You made me kill the Cherub!

Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:06 am

Urgh. This is a pretty sucky way to start a game. Why is it that someone who can help us a lot always dies the first execution?

And a guillotine?

Not a really nice way to die. Personally I'd prefer to get shot. Getting my head chopped off is just... eww.

Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:08 am

Lass wrote:Urgh. This is a pretty sucky way to start a game. Why is it that someone who can help us a lot always dies the first execution?

And a guillotine?

Not a really nice way to die. Personally I'd prefer to get shot. Getting my head chopped off is just... eww.

Well, at least it beats getting mauled...

*looks at everyone and searches for any extra hair*

Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:08 am

OR axed..wait, it's the same thing, right?

Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:08 am

*rants* ITS THE CURSE! THE ANGELS CURSE! *sucks thumb*

See guys bandwagon = BAD

Anyhoo, i'm going to bed, school tomorrow... possibly be back to check results for tonight...

Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:09 am

Note. Its 10am local time for gundam. He's probably in school now. (and was sleeping for the rest of our "afternoon")

Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:09 am

No, it's the predicters' curse.

Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:10 am

YesItIsh wrote:OR axed..wait, it's the same thing, right?

Nah, the serial killer would stab you in the back with an axe. This is getting your head severed from your body.

Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:10 am

Well... as I mentioned last game,"There's no bandwagon if people don't follow it!"

Bandwagoning is in the hands of every player...

Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:10 am

YesItIsh wrote:No, it's the predicters' curse.


As for his timezone... gaaah.... bad luck

anyway, i said i was going to bed and i'm going...... now.....


Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:12 am

Bye horo! hope you aren't dead when you wake up!
(poor gundam)

EDIT: This just popped into my head- What happens if the Mafia and the Werewolves kill the same person? o_O
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