It love it, Remy.

*huggles poor little Acara*
Anyways.. I'm going to announce things a little early...
EVERYONE who did not win any of the following prizes will get an item from my SDB or Inventory and 500 Neopoints just for entering.
Winner #1 of a runner up prize... is...
EVERCONFUSED with her lovely hearts kitty set!
Winner #2 of a runner up prize... is...
ON_DIET_CAT with her purrfect kitty set!
Winner #3 of a runner up prize... is...
OPTIMUS with his beautiful Royalgirl Zafara set!
Third Place goes to...
JAYE with her sort of smiling (:P) and shiney kitten set!
Second place goes to...
DESTINY with her super Clay Aiken set!
First place goes... to...
MEOWTH1982 with her awesome Yellow Crowned Amazon set!
Congratulations everyone. This has a hard choice, all the sets were adorable and / or beautiful.

I will try to get around to using every single one, sooner or later, even the ones that did not win.
Everyone, please PM me or post a link to a lot on the Trading Post I may offer your prize on. If you no longer play, would rather have something else or would like see your other options, I'm willing talk out what you'd like, within reason, be it a grahpic to a drawing scanned onto the computer for you.
Oh, everything is saved and will be uploaded as used so you may delete your sets off your servers and / or computer.
Look for a possible Christmas set contest this November.