1. Was 'Big Brother 3' what you expected it to be? Was it different from your earlier assumptions?I'm not a great expert since I don't watch the show, but it was what I expected it to be
2. The length of the game was about 3 and 1/2 months, did you find the time span challenging, easy to overcome, etc...?I was not expecting to last till the end, so it was quite a lot. However the game was fun and I don't regret sticking to it till the end.
3. Organization was a big factor for me in the game, how well do you think this game was organized? (Please note that I did have to wait on some players to send in their responses and school did start in September, and I tried my best to keep up with the dates)I think that given the number of things you had to manage, and the ginormous lenght of the whole thing, it's amazing you managed to (almost) always be on time.
4. How were the twists (Two players coming in, two HOH's in the first week) to you?They all happened rather early in the game, so it was not too upsetting. If something had happened later in the game, it could have changed our strategies a lot
5. What was the thing you liked the most? (Could be about the game, or the way it was run, etc...)I liked the games, they were all different and almost everyone managed to win one, because you needed different skills... I mean, it wasn't always luck-based, or memory-based, or anything.
6. What was the thing you disliked the most? (Could be about the game, or the way it was run, etc...)The random matches with our secret partner. I would have liked my secret partner to be someone I knew already, because this way it would have been easier to build an alliance.
7. Is there any improvements you could suggest for Big Brother 4?I can't think of anything right now, I'll go back and edit if I think of something
8. Is there any additional comments you would like to make?Yeah, I forgot this bit of advice: backstab as many people as you can, it'll do you good.
I'll add the trading post link later. (*lazy*)
Set by Pixa

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