Well it seems that we've made up our minds pretty quickly.
You've voted and seemingly taken a nice nap for it.
4 alive!
3 majority!
<No Lock>
.:CD:.(3): JayJay, Stephanie, Kalathalan
Kalathalan(2): .:CD:., Stephanie
JayJay(2): .:CD:., Kalathalan
".:CD:. step forward."
He does, with a frown on his face. "It's not me though!!"
Scott shrugs as he inserts the bullet into the gun, and begins to aim it at .:CD:.
Scott fires and the bullet hits .:CD:. It hits him cleanly and he falls over to the ground, bleeding profusely. Next to him, lies the final mafia gun.
.:CD:. mutters under his last breaths, "Agh... You may have been able to reclaim this village... but we won't stop... This isn't the end of us..."
He dies.
"Well then. It seems that we've effectively killed off all of the baddies. Meaning... the INNOCENTS PREVAIL!!!"
Scott sets off some fireworks and leave the surviving 3 party on in the village along with some Survivor music to keep the mood going.
(This should be locked shortly, go to Conmmentary)