jabond102 wrote:
I would like to join a team. Please someone pm or Bangel if no one does I'll sign up myself.
Alright- since you can't find teammates, I will put you with Team 1, since they have a vacancy.
Yeah, Requiem, that would seem to be obvious. *sighs* We'll start now. Please
PM your answers to me, and put your team number in the title. Please, only one PM per team. Also with your PM, send me a
team name that you would like to have. Team 1, Team 2, etc. seems very, very boring. Without further ado- your trivia questions:
1. Which "monster" reptile was discovered by accident by a downed flyer in World War 2?
2. What is the only country in the world that has a Bill of Right for cows?
3. What does the origin of the word "Canada" mean?
4. In what country do fishermen paint eyes on their boats to help locate fish?
5. Princess Diana, Ernest Hemingway, and Abraham Lincoln all suffered from what medical problem?
6. Who coined the phrase Super Bowl in 1968?
7. In February of 1964, where was the first city that the Beatles played at in the United States?
8. Which former President spent 11 years of his life training mules?
9. How many babies can a garter snake give birth to at a time?
10. What are the red bumps on a turkey's head called?
There you are. They're meant to be easy. You have until some time on Saturday to get them in- which means you might be out of luck if you don't send them super early that day or get them in by Friday.
Team 5 will recieve a bonus point because they have one less player than anyone else. It's only one, so don't go yelling "That's unfair!" because everyone else has more players.