What you want to be called: Syrill [Unless you suddenly decide my name is too hard to say and call me something short and simple...like S
:P hahaha silly me watching too much Gossip Girl]
Gender: Male [Though if you mess it up, it hasn't been the first time. ;D Sybill will return with her reign of terror >=D. Sybill likes that]
Will you be active?: Unless I forget...which is prone to happening...but I'll try to remember :O
Other comments: Haha, this game was so fun to read while it was going on so I have to join.

Oh, I might be gone for sometime in December though. :/ So if I somehow miraculously survive until then, I will have to quit/forfeit/go into hiding then?

Ooh. It's pretty.

See all the pretty presents? They can be yours if you vote for me. Yet, none of you know me. T_T How sad. There's no way to get the pretty presents then.