OKay, jobs really are not good for your online playing time.
So- from what I can tell, the main reason everyone is voting for me is that I mentioned gofers. However, the only reason I talked about them was because ALEX posted about it on the first page. She is the director, so I read her posts- it's as simple as that. Here is what Alex posted about halfway down the page-
"Hi, guys. My name's Alex, and I'll be your director for the duration of this movie. There's a variety of people involved in this movie - assistant directors, writers, gofers, lead actors, and more."
I mentioned gofers because I had no idea what it is.
If you want to use my lack of movie knowledge as a reason to vote for me, fine. It's your loss.
Maybe the people that were so quick to accuse me only did it to cover up their own roles.
Edit: For now I'll also
Vote: silverblade333, since that's the only real other person that's been voted for. Just because of inactiveness is all- and me trying to not get voted out.
EDIT- Oh, and about why I'm "inactive"- I don't consider not being on every hour of the day inactive- is because I volunteer at a summer camp during the day, and we've had a storm tonight- so I can't go on the computer while there is lightning.
EDIT 2- Oh, and I reread through all the posts, and I wanted to say for all those people that talked about me talking about gofers before anything was said, maybe you should read the directors posts a little more carefully. That's not fair to kill me off because you didn't read it.