Byakuya San wrote:
*un-takes diary*
that so made me laugh
Yes I am aware that I'm sticking my neck out but if I didnt we would again be at a stale mate of nothingness. I do hope those who realize I have stuck my neck out and FOR them will think to repay the favor tonight *COUGH*
I still say a vote for Ginny will atleast get us somewhere. If it is in the end the wrong vote yes i do hope she will get rezed but if we do nothing we learn nothing. Risks must be taken to learn. If Ginny was truely an innocent she could reveal her role to everyone (I believe that is allowed someone quick slap a no-no sticker on that if I'm wrong!) But she has done nothing but scream that she is not an evil. Last time i checked throwing a fit was no way to prove anything.... and could infact get one grounded if of the right age LOL.
Also I will say I expect another attack on me tonight if nothing more then to shut me up because i have stepped forward as a spokes person. Also as i believe there is more then one dreamer feel free to dream me tonight and find out for certain if I am innocent or not but I will state here that I AM infact an innocent BUT I of course don't really expect anyone to believe me seeing as the only proof I have offered is me saying so.
But atleast I'm not throwing a fit while I scream I'm an innocent
questions comments speak up!