DM is on fire!'s role:
Your role for this game is: THE DEVIL
Victory: Depends.
Here is what you can do-
1. You do not actually do anything. If any bad team attempts to kill you… instead of dying, you will join their team.
*At the end of every day, there is a Participants:Baddie ratio.
39:11 - 31%
Day 1:
Cult leader Nikita recruits two members in the day time: Dawn2 (Psychiatrist) and Okamotosan (reflect roll: 4-FAIL).
Gundamn_kola01 (EVEN Cherub) is executed.
Mafia tries to kill Twizzler0171, but cannot since she is the traveler on odd days and is not in the castle.
Wolves also try to kill Twizzler0171, but cannot for the same reason.
The cult kills AutumnElf (Hole digger: chose side of evil).
Cherub tries to dreams of Okamotosan (reflect roll: 9-FAIL), however dies because the NightWatchman is following Okamotosan (reflect roll: 8-FAIL), and kills the Cherub (Alex)
Shaman protects Dawn2
Archangel protects Ammer
Stalker follows Bno, but instead gets frozen due to Bno's secret unknown ability.
36:12 - 36%
Day 2:
A majority is not reached.
The president (White_Wolf) decides on the execution result. She chooses to execute Okamotosan (Cult Member). (reflect roll: 6- FAIL)
Wolf targets Twizzler for death (again). However, since warxelo stole twizzler's role, warxelo dies in her place. warxelo has a secret power, it goes to the werewolves.
The cult kills Xil (Archangel).
The mafia kills ammer (angry sibling #1). The other angry sibling now can shoot anyone she wishes at any time.
The archangel protected Lass (a mafia).
Puck (Psychiatrist) tried to set up an appointment with Kugetsu. However, Kugetsu was being tracked by the Night Watchman, and kills Puck instead.
Criminal can now dream of Mafia, since the dreamers are all dead. Matt is not a mafia member.
31:10 - 32%
Day 3:
White_wolf (President) gets killed by the avenging sibling (Caesara). She passes her role to Meowth (a mafia).
Kidwaiy uses his special power of Grave Robber to take Warxelo's power.
No majority is reached. The President gets to make the choice: Bno.
The wolves maul Horohoro (Fruit vendor)
The Cult stabs Caesara (angry sibling II)
The mafia attempts to shoot Kugetsu, but fails because he is the criminal.
Kidwaiy tries to kill Twizzler, but cannot because she is out of town on odd-nights.
Shaman protects Matt.
Stalker sucessfully stalks Kugetsu (as he left his house to investigate Twinkle)
Nightwatchman looks upon Flatluigi.
27:10- 37%
Day 4:
Execution is tampered with by the Mafia (secret power acquired through Ammer's death.
_jaye_ is killed by mafia, Mafia aquires her unused secret power of "No Secrets"
Lass (Mafia) is killed by cult
YesItIsh (Stalker) is killed by wolves
Urthdigger (Archangel) is killed by night watchman.
Shaman protects o_0
Criminal investigates YesItIsh, not a mafia.
Stalker stalks DM was on Fire! She does not leave home.
23:9- 39%
Day 5:
luckystar101 is modkilled due to inactivity.
Execution does not reach majority. Decision goes to the Vice-President. Flatluigi uses immunization. (Why...? I have no idea)
The VP can only choose between Flatluigi and No execution. Either route, there will be no execution.
Dawn2 (Cult Member) is killed by the Mafia.
Wolves also target Dawn2, but since she is already dead, Jellyoflight dies. (Traveler on Even Days)
Kugetsu (Criminal) is killed by the cult
Shaman protects Matt.
Matt protects Ixistant from any death.
19:7- 37%
Day 6:
Execution does not reach majority. Decision goes to the VP. VP does not give an answer, therefore there is no execution.
Cult stabbs shadowfare (Wolf)
Mafia shoots Alisquid (Shaman)
Wolves maul Stephanie (Townsfolk)
Shaman protected Wind (Wolf)
Night Watchman looked after Nikita.
16:6- 38%
Day 7:
Execution (finally) reaches majority on Flatluigi (Mafia)
Cult attempts to stab Wind, but wind is protected by Night watchman, and Nikita (Cult) Dies.
Cult is defeated.
Mafia attempts to kill DM was on fire! But DM is the Devil and is converted into a Mafia.
Wolves try to convert the Mafia victim. But DM does not actually die, therefore there is no Mafia Victim, and the conversion fails.
14:4- 29%
Day 8:
Execution does not reach majority.
Decision goes to the VP, and chooses Ixistant (Shaman)
Wolves decide to convert the Mafia victim.
The mafia tries to kill Matt (bodyguard). As a result, Matt goes onto the werewolf team.
Prophesizer guesses o_0 dies by mauling. Incorrect.
13:5- 38%
Day 9:
Mafia kills o_0 (Night Watchman) via Day Kill.
meowth1982 leaves the game (Mafia + VP)
Execution fails to reach majority. Since there is no VP, no execution.
Mafia shoots Puppylover (Werewolf)
Wolves try to maul twizzler, but cannot since she is traveler on odd days.
Prophesizer guesses on meowth1982 being mauled, who left the game. Incorrect.
10:3- 30%
Day 10:
Kidwaiy is executed. (Townsfolk)
Wolves maul Nelly (Prophesizer)
Mafia fails to send in a list.
8:3- 38%
Day 11:
Matt has gotten a majority, however he tampers with the execution.
However, Matt gets shot at night (A Bodyguard, converted into a werewolf).
The wolves kill Twinkle, the celebrity. Wind kills herself over remorse.
Wolves are defeated.
5:1- 20%
Day 12:
No majority. No execution.
List is sent 17 minutes too late. No night killings.
5:1- 20%
Day 13:
No majority. No execution.
Mafia shoots Raze (Townsperson)
4:1- 25%
Day 14:
Assassin Squinchy shoots ste_is_back, but does not die due to Selfish Healer trait.
Assassin Squinchy also shoots Twizzler (traveler). [Note: She was targetted to die 6 times. 6th one actually killed her]
Assassin Squinchy then shoots ste_is_back again, killing him.
The only people left are DM and Squinchy. DM can only vote for Squinchy, and vice versa. No majority can ever be reached.
Squinchy dies due to being outnumbered.
DM is the sole survivor.
Mafia wins.
1:1- 100%