Shippinator Mandy (first set): You did a good job with this one- I know it's not easy to make things small. Yet, on this small set, you can still see the picture and all the text clearly. All the colors match well, too! Good job!
Dragonfire: WOAH. Those sets are awesome! Again, good job with keeping the text so it's noticeable, but not so noticeable that you don't even notice the picture. The fonts and colors you used are so awesome! You and Crystal Cloud are right- you really are the leet space set maker.
Shippinator Mandy (second set): Hurrah! Lisa Simpson! Awesome quote you have there.
I like how you didn't put in my name anywhere on the signature- I don't think it would of fit in well with the quote and all.
Crystal Cloud: Yay! I was hoping someone would make a beach set. I don't care that there's no animation- I'm not even really a fan of it unless it's subtle, like it was in your other set. I love the subtext choice. It justs fits in perfectly with the image and the rest of the set.
Messs17: I love the transparent text. I need to go add that to the list of things I like... anyway, I love the image you used! It's beautiful.
I also like how you didn't put on any subtext- again, I think it's more important to see the image.
Snivellus: Dolphins are SO better than orcas.
I love the subtext on this set, and how you made the word 'sky' fade. This set combines two of my favorite things- dolphins and the sky.
I love how you blended a dolphin into the background- it stops the set from having empty space, while still remaining beautiful.
Mermaid Hil: That is one awesome background.
I love the grids used, which is strange because I normally am not a huge fan of them. I think it this case, it makes image stand out more. I love the subtext- Autobiography and Pieces of Me are my favorite songs by Ashlee. The main font is superb- it just goes along so well with the rest of the set.
I'm working on saving and uploading them all now.