Welcome to Big Brother, my name is Ammer and tonight is the first eviction night in the Big Brother house. Just three weeks ago, 15 Houseguest's entered this house to embark on a mission in obtaining 50,000nps. One by one they will evict one another until there is one remaining, that one Houseguest will win the grand prize. But first, this week was a bit more eventful then the last.
Nikita had won HOH by a small tie breaker question and used her power to nominate Stephanie and Wind. In the Power of Veto competition, the Houseguest's were asked to place coins in each other's basket. The one with the coins closest to 18 without going over would win the Power of Veto. Through some stragedy and thinking, Matterbug won the Power of Veto and used it on Wind. Nikita was then forced to make a tough decision; she nominated Monique in place of Wind and stated she did so only because she knew Stephanie and Monique were friends outside of the game. Who will be evicted tonight, will it be Stephanie? Or Monique?
"It has been an emotional week for all of the Houseguest's, let's see how they're doing,"
Ammer turned towards a screen which showed the Houseguest's sitting in the living room, both Stephanie and Monique were in their red, couch seats.
"Hello Houseguests," greeted Ammer.
"Hi Ammer!" they yelled back.
"It looks like we're back here tonight, and to think, you all entered just three weeks ago," Ammer stated as the Houseguests nodded their heads in agreement, "However, this is how the game goes, either Stephanie or Monique will be evicted tonight, but we'll get back to that later. In the mean time, I'll ask some questions to some of you, first off is Divine! Divine, you almost forgot about the game, is this a sign that you aren't as interested as you'd like to be?" asked Ammer.
"You sort of misunderstood me!" yelled Divine as he explained, "What I meant was that, I checked the thread and I saw who the Veto winner was, but I forgot to post saying that I congratulated them, since I'm not in the contest, but I usually do. I'm sorry if that was worded weirdly!"
"I see, that's good to hear. Moving on one of the nominees, Monique, you were replaced by Wind and were placed on the block with Stephanie, does it hurt that one of you may be leaving?"
"Well yeah considering she's the only person I really knew in the house," she replied.
"That makes sense, let's talk to Matterbug! Matterbug, you won the Veto and chose to use it on Wind, was this a tough decision for you?"
"It was a hard decision, but I felt it was neccesary for me in the game. Like I said before, it was certainly nothing personal towards anyone. But yes, it was a hard choice in the end," he said.
"I see; but on the receiving end of that deal, Wind, you were taken off, how does that feel?" asked Ammer.
"I was a bit surprised, but of course I was terribly glad to be taken off... who wouldn't have been?" she replied.
"That does make sense. Now onto our other nominee, Stephanie, do you believe Nikita's actions were pure strategy, emotion, or both?"
"I believe her actions were pure strategy, which im not so sure why, but there is no bad blood between us, so I dont think it was emotion at all,"she explained.
"I see, I'll come back in a few minutes sit tight Houseguests," Ammer said, as he turned away from the screen.
"Welcome back, I'm Ammer and in a few second the votes will be revealed. Who has the house decided to evict, Stephanie or Monique? Let's find out," Ammer said as he turned to the screen, "Hello Houseguests, in a few minutes I will reveal the votes. But before I do, Stephanie, Monique, please say your last words to the house as one of you will be leaving soon. Stephanie, you may start first,"
Stephanie nodded and said, "I had a fun time and I really am sad if I'm actually leaving. If I'm not, than thank you but I would feel really bad if I stayed and Monique left. I just wanted to let you all know, no hard feelings and I hope we can be friends outside of this game!"
"Thank you Stephanie, Monique, it's your turn,"
Monique began to speak, "This experience was different. Nothing amazing I guess becasue I didn't really get into it, or play the way I would normally if it was really a game. That was my fault though for not making the alliances necessary to stay in the game. It was interesting while it lasted though, and I think I learned a lot. Good luck to everyone though!"
"Thank you Monique, it's now time for the votes to be revealed," Ammer said as he began opening an envelope and inside a small sheet was taken out. Ammer looked at it and looked back at the screen and said, "By a vote of 5 to 5, there is a tie. This is the first tie in Big Brother history and here's what's going to happen. Nikita, the current HOH will vote to evict one of the nominee's, Nikita, please stand up and cast your vote,"
Nikita stood up and looked at each nominee, "I honestly don't know who to choose. This is difficult, but I guess I'm going to evict you Stephanie, I'm sorry," she said.
"It's offical Stephanie, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house," Ammer added in.
Stephanie nodded and stood up, she walked towards the door. The Houseguest's followed and she began to hug each of them; she walked to her bag and yelled the phrase, "Goodbye!" and walked out the door. The Houseguest's looked at the icon's displayed on a wall in the house and saw Stephanie's icon turn gray, some Houseguest's let out a gasp.
"Hello Stephanie," welcomed Ammer as Stephanie put her bag down and shook his hand. They both took a seat on a semi-circle couch and Ammer faced towards Stephanie and asked, "Now, you've been the third Houseguest to leave the Big Brother house, how does that feel?
Stephanie answered, "Horrible, I dont know why people wanted me out, im not a powerplayer or anything and i havent won anything, so im very unsure as to their thinking,"
"Did you expect to be nominated so quickly?"
"Nope, not at all," she said shaking her head.
"Did Monique and you have an alliance or was Nikita assuming something which wasn't true?"
"We did not have an alliance. People assumed we did because we knew each other, but we did not. I was looking to make an alliance with some people I actually didnt know," she explained.
"How did you handle being nominated alongside a good friend of yours? Was it hard?"
"Yes, it was hard, but we knew it was coming obviously. A lot of people see her as a threat. So it wasnt shocking, but kinda weird that it was so early in the game,"
"Was their campaigning involved on your part to stay in the House?"
"Nope, there is no way I would campaign against a friend," she said firmly.
"Hm, now that you're evicted, who would you like to win HOH?" Ammer asked.
"Monique all the way!" she laughed.
"I see, well thank you for coming into this competition Stephanie, it's been a pleasure,"
"You're welcome Ammer!"
"Coming up next, the HOH competition,"
HOH Competition #4
This week's HOH is called "The Roll of the Die". This competition is a game based on luck, this is how it's going to work. You will choose two numbers (Between 1 and 6 -- one number for each die roll) and I will roll a die. Each number you choose will represent one die. If I roll your die exactly, you will win 3 points. If I roll one of your dices, you will win 1 point. The Houseguest who reaches a total of 7 points first, will win the position as the next Head of Household! As outgoing HOH, Nikita, you may not participate in this competition.
Please PM me two numbers (Between 1 and 6).
Set by Medli