Troy McClure walks over by the Statue of Jebediah Springfield and begins to talk aimlessly towards a certain direction, "Well. Starting now we'll begin our first Day. Everyone can start voting, or decide to get a lil' drunk with my secret stash of sweeet sweeet Duff.
I'm also here to introduce you to our first Executioner."
Storm clouds start to magically form in the sky and an eerie wind starts to blow. Rain begins to fall and a few shots of lightning are seen. Out from behind City Hall comes out the first executioner...
*cue dramatic musicccc*
Grandpa Simpson!
"YEAaaah? Whaddya want! I remember back in MY day, rain didn't come down when elders were talking. Back in 1945 when I was a young lil' g... zzzzzz...."
"Umm... well. Yeah. There it is. Grandpa Simpson has gladly decided to take charge of the first execution here. I'll be able to give you some info to keep your eye on, as well as the question you'll need to answer..."
Info wrote:
* Grandpa doesn't care how many people are around, just those who vote.
* Whoever has the highest vote count he'll shoot.
* But uh... you know, he's sort of old... so he might not hear your vote the first time... so... just keep your eye out incase he misses it.
"What's my first name? I forgot. I know its on my underwear, but I just cant seem to take it off in one move anymore... zzz...."
--> Remember! Votes go on the board. Answers to the ACQ are PM'd to me (preferably with your Nightly lists if you have one)