TDG @ Randomness wrote:
First Day Executions
A great debate always seems to occur on the first day revolving around executions. The two sides of the arguement tend to be :
* Don't execute anybody today : Wait for dreamers to dream of somebody, we could hit a powerful innocent, it's not fair to kill somebody on day one, we have no suspects
* Execute somebody today : Dreamers may not hit anybody, if we don't kill somebody we'll be in the same position tomorrow, we can't give the baddies a free kill, we could hit a baddy
No matter where you stand on the issue you must always respect other people's opinions. Just because you think there should be an execution doesn't mean everybody else has to.
Whilst it can be good to wait for dreamers to find a baddy, the odds are they won't. Even if they do they need to find somebody that isn't a baddy that they can relay their messages through. This requires another dream.
The odds of hitting an innocent if you randomly selected a player from a group of 25 people is about 70% (In games it tends to be that 25% - 33% of the players are evil), however, with an execution it means the dreamers have one less person to have to check to be evil and the next day there is one less person to have to find suspects among.
Trust me, in a game starting with Night I was killed first. It sucked but I got over it, giving the excuse that it's not fair to be killed so early is just avoiding a reasonable answer.
Whilst it can be good to try and make it so the baddies aren't getting a free kill (There is a 30% chance of hitting one remember) it's also good to acknowledge that you are assisting the baddies by killing somebody if you kill an innocent. They have one less person to have to kill in order to win the game.
If you don't take a risk and execute somebody you don't know is innocent or evil there is no way you are going to win the game (Unless you are on a baddy team). Your dreamers are not going to find every baddy and they are not always going to survive for very long. Take a gamble and execute somebody or be sitting ducks. Whilst you don't have to execute everyday, you must execute somebody sometime or you're going to lose.
From the guide at Randomness. Just voicing my opinions...