Amethyst: This banner seems to be in limbo, it's got a rather chaotic look because you chose a very dramatic background, but then you combined it with the playful look of the standard Neopets banners. The two looks really clash and overall it's very odd looking.
Apricus: The colors are all very pretty, but there's one spot where there's some conflicting color overlays, it's all muddy and dark. The font you chose is nice and whimsical, the only suggestion I'd make is to look for a more graceful "f," the current one looks a little weird to me.
Fizzy: I can't view the source image of the castle, but I feel that you didn't do much, if anything, to alter it. The two pictures here are very different, which doesn't give a nice uniform look. But really, besides add scanlines, it looks like you took two pictures, stuck them on a plain background, and added text and a border.
InsanePlushie: Your recoloring of the image seems a little hasty, some of the lavender of her face is leaking into the background on the right side. I don't really like the big blank spot between her face and wings, the lightness of it draws your eye and there's nothing there.
Jasujo: Overall this photo composition is pretty good, but there are a few mistakes here and there, nothing too obvious though. I would have tried for a bigger forest picture though, there's a bit of a pattern among the trees, so it's apparent that you had one small image and repeated it. I don't think the owls and pumpkins were necessary, they really distract from the gravestones and ghosts you drew (which are very nice, by the way).
_jaye_: Interesting effects. I'm not very fond of the text for "Terror Mountain," it's rather unbalanced towards the capital letters. The snow effect over the whole picture is a little fake looking, try varying the size of the brush you used to give it depth.
Kandice: Something I've noticed about a lot of your work is your composition technique, feathering the edges and lowering the layer opacity isn't always the best way to make an image fit into a background; in fact, it rarely is. Try extracting things carefully using the polyagonal lasso or pen tool for nice sharp edges that make objects stand out against the background. All that said, your composition here is quite dull and muted, and the text going over it is the only outstanding feature of the banner.
Koku: I didn't know what it was either, but the important thing is that it looks like something that fits the theme, and it does (I thought it was a leopardskin on a rock). The whole look of this one is very nice, but I agree with Silja, the font is too cartoony, I would recommend a more rugged font to match look of the background.
LAQ: I'm never happy when people work off other people's graphics, the original can be found
here at
Little Bit. As you can see, there were only minor adjustments, but you did take advantage of them by depending heavily on a gradient background, which was created in the other picture.
mazil: There are a lot of things I like about this one, all the little details are very cute and appropriate. Nice job putting the moai heads on the green grass, it's probably the first photomanipulation I've actually liked this whole game. I like the little waves coming off the moai head on the left, it really adds to the "mysterious" look, and I like how you emphasized "mystery" rather than keeping the text uniform. There are a few mistakes in the border, though, there are little jagged places in the top, particularly where the waves touch the border, and some leftover white in the bottom left.
Neko: This one's very pretty, but it has a little theme problem, it's not scary at all; rather, it's very serene and a little romantic looking because of the font you used. The snow effect here is very nice, but I'd try to make it less obvious, maybe by making it smaller or lowering the opacity. The snowflakes on the side bother me a little, they seem to have a brownish tint, which doesn't look good with all the blue tones of the rest of the picture.
Neopets Addict: The background is a little odd looking, I can't tell if that's supposed to be 3 separate moons or one large color-changing moonscape. I like how all the lines are very bold, but even so, they're very vague and undefined because of the blending colors.
rachel: I'm not too fond of the CG island you used, it's very fake looking, particularly the sand, which also has a lot of bad compression artifacts. The cutting out is a little choppy, which leads me to think you used the magic wand or something. Lastly, a little composition detail; the light source of the island is coming from the right, while the light source of the flower is coming from the left. It's a very small detail, but it's good to have things uniform.
Scholastic: The colors and textures are very nice, even if the shell is a little vague, it definitely does look aquatic (I thought it was a sea turtle at first). I can't see your background source image, but I get the feeling that it was a bit small and you repeated it across, there's a bit of a diagonal stripe pattern among the waves that you may want to smooth out.
timkhj: I like this one a lot, even though you depended heavily on the source image, I can see you've made some nice adjustments to it. I particularly like the computer input overlaid over it, it's a nice little detail. My only complaint is your font choice for "Space Station," the script seems a little girly for this banner.
watericesage: This banner really looks bland, I think because it's all muted shades of brown with almost no contrast. That really throws off the look of the whole thing, there's no notable feature of this banner, the only part that really sticks out is the word "Desert" over the lighter area of the sand. Also, when you combined the image of the pyramid and sand, it's very unconvincing, particularly because the pyramid looks so blurred while the sand is mostly sharp. Try resizing in intervals (100% > 90% > 70% > 50% > 25% as opposed to 100% > 25%) and running a sharpening filter when working with large images that have detail you want to preserve.
I vote out Fizzy, Kandice, and Amethyst.