Welcome to Big Brother, my name is Ammer and tonight is the ninth eviction night in the Big Brother house. Just nine weeks ago, 15 Houseguest's entered this house to embark on a mission in obtaining 50,000nps. One by one they will evict one another until there is one remaining, that one Houseguest will win the grand prize. But first, this week was very exciting indeed!
After a pleading Matterbug leaving the house, the Houseguest's were at the breaking point of their game. This week's HOH was important to keep anyone safe in the house. Luckily, Divine won the luck HOH competition and choose to nominated both Nikita and Robert. He suspected they each had an alliance and simply wanted to put an end to that. At the Veto competition, Nikita once more was victorious and won the Veto. As expected, Nikita used the Veto on herself leaving Divine to replace her with Stephanie. Who will be evicted this week,
Stephanie or
"It has been an interesting week for all of the Houseguest's, let's see how they're doing,"
Ammer turned towards a screen which showed the Houseguest's sitting in the living room, both Stephanie and Nikita were in their red, couch seats.
"Hello Houseguests," greeted Ammer.
"Hi Ammer!" they yelled back.
"It looks like we're back here tonight, and to think, you all entered just ten weeks ago," Ammer stated as the Houseguests nodded their heads in agreement, "However, this is how the game goes, either Stephanie or Robert will be evicted tonight, but we'll get to that later. In the mean time, I'll ask some questions to some of you, first off is Kugetsu. Kugetsu, you were HOH last week, did you feel vulnerable this week?" asked Ammer.
"Absolutely. I'm surprised I wasn't nominated. I figured the first person that got a chance to nominate me would have. But it seems that I'm not so sought after," he replied smiling.
"Interesting. Stephanie, you were nominated as a replacement nominee, what did this mean to you?"
"Well, I kinda assumed it was gonna happen, and no im not psychic, I wasn't all that surprised," she answered.
"I see, well I'll be back with the results shortly. Sit tight Houseguest's," Ammer said as he turned away from the screen.
"Welcome back, I'm Ammer and in a few second the votes will be revealed. Who has the house decided to evict, Stephanie or Robert? Let's find out," Ammer said as he turned to the screen, "Hello Houseguests, in a few minutes I will reveal the votes. But before I do, Stephanie, Robert, please say your last words to the house as one of you will be leaving soon. Stephanie, you may start first,"
Stephanie nodded her head and said, "I had a great time in the house everyone. Thanx for everything!"
"Alright, Robert, it's your turn,"
Robert began to speak, "Thanks everyone for a great game, I really had fun!"
"Thank you Robert, it's now time for the votes to be revealed," Ammer said as he began opening an envelope and inside a small sheet was taken out. Ammer looked at it and looked back at the screen and said, "By a vote of 3 to 1,
Robert, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house,"
Robert nodded and stood up, he walked towards the door. The Houseguest's followed and he began to hug each of them; he walked to his bag and yelled the phrase, "Goodbye!" and walked out the door. The Houseguest's looked at the icon's displayed on a wall in the house and saw Robert's icon turn gray, some Houseguest's let out a gasp while others ignored it.
Robert's Eviction interview, as well as WIS' and Matterbug's Jury interview will be posted next Thursday.
"Coming up next, the HOH competition,"
HOH Competition #11
This week's competition is called, "Paint Me!". You will all need to open your "Paint" programs or a program similar to "Paint". Now, you will need to hand draw (Using the mouse icon), a picture of me. It doesn't matter if you know how I look like or not, just draw what you may think I look like. Some of you may already know how I look like, but it won't matter in this competition. The winner of this competition will be the one who seems to have the most artistic ability with a mouse.
Now, I'm aware some of you may be horrible with a mouse but I know which ones are good at it and which ones aren't so if someone who is good at this type of competition submits something, I will mark them harder than I would mark someone who has no talent whatsoever.
As outgoing HOH, Divine may NOT participate in this challenge.
PM all portraits to me!
Here are some recently asked questions,
Is their a size limit?
No; there is not.
When I'm done my portrait, how do I send it to you?
You must save your portrat and either upload it to an online photo album (
http://www.photobucket.com is your best bet) or send it to my e-mail at